TITLE: NOBODY IS PERFECT * PLEASE READ TO UNDERSTAND ME* So my protective friends have been telling me that people are hating on me, people that dont know me and people that think they know me. they dont tell me who it is because theyre afraid ill confront the people i know that talk crap about me. Heres the thing, i used to care what people thought of me, i used to be hurt if even one person had a problem with me. UNDERSTAND THIS and this goes for any of you who faces this, I actually dont care anymore because no matter how much you try to be a good person people will always look for a reason to hate you, stop trying to be perfect and just be you, who ever you are, if you are happy with who you are and it feels right, continue being that person, if it doesnt feel right to you then you can take someones advice and make a change to better yourself. But be who you need to be that makes YOU HAPPY, LIFE IS TOO SHORT! You cant be living your life for other people to accept you. I know my values, i know who i am and Im happy with who i am, if you a friend of mine and you dont like my personality then dont be my friend its that simple do yourself that favor. If i dont like you i wont be your friend, because i cant be fake with you and you deserve to be surrounded by real people. And the people who just know me by my name and title me and act like they know me, I understand why you judge, it can be envy, it can be how i present myself, how i talk, or how my face looks in public that some say i look like a mean person, whatever it is, you are titled as a commoner, which means you think like everyone else, you are not an independent thinker that actually says you know what, we cant assume Tumi is actually like that, MAYBE if we talk to him and get to know him, his not what we think he is. But hey either way i dont care coz while you assuming, Im still happy and doing me. And to all my friends that are my eyes and ears looking out for me, its ok you dont need to tell me what people are saying or assuming about me, i dont need them to be happy and i dont need them to tell me who to be, the people who care about me and know me, knows who i am inside my heart and Im good with that. NOBODY IS PERFECT, everyone has a flaw. so while you judging another person, just know you are also being judged and hated on and the CYCLE goes on and on. Im over that, and Im so glad i finally understand that. Hate or not, your choice, your life, do you.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:09:26 +0000

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