TITLE: The Guardians EPISODE: 24 (The Final Episode) AUTHOR: - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Guardians EPISODE: 24 (The Final Episode) AUTHOR: Mynd Michael looked at Buba and said “You were asking how we would get you out, well we have a whole load of trucks prepared, and all you have to do is pick one. I have to make a call to the minister of defense and tell her all this is over. ******************************************** Five days later, most of the events had settled from and the country had started picking itself up from the ground. there were arrests going taking place from all corners as people who were part of the coup were arrested. The investigation was lead by a joint task force lead by Kuyi and the DMI as most of the issues fell into military jurisdiction and he was the only one trusted enough to take over the investigations. The Presidential jet was flown back into the country the morning the crises was resolved and along with it was Dare and a lot of other soldiers who had been part of the plans to kill the president in Tetuan while a platform was set in motion for the resolution of the civil war in Tetuan and the Nigerian peacekeepers were given another mandate which was to ensure that both parties continue negotiationand to make sure armed groups don’t rise anymore. There were massive reconstruction works to restore the presidential villa to its state while the vice President was impeached through a unanimous vote by the senate. The president decided to wait for sometime before she chose one but she top on the list was the Lagos state governor. Kareem had sat down in his office thinking of ways to convince investors into the Eko Atlantic City project that the country is stable when his phone rang “Hello” “This is the President mr Governor” “Oh Good morning, how are you doing ma’am?” “I am fine” “So why are you calling me?” “As you are aware, I will be needing a new vice president and I could not think of anyone else but you to take the job” Kareem was both flattered and honored “Me? Do you realize that we are from different political parties? And if I should agree, I would have to quit my office and alsomy party?” “I am aware of that but I am sure that is a small price to pay” Kareem though fo a while and then said; “It is actually not a small price ma’am, you see ,I a looking at going for the post of president I the next election on my party and being your vice would not really work well for my ambitions” “I completely understand. So we are back to being political enemies and attacking one another in public?” she asked “We never stopped being that ma’am, ********************************************** Ifeoma had gotten used to shuffling betweengoing from the defense headquarters to the DMI headquarters as she wanted to get update herself. Kuyi had proven to be good atquestioning. Of course some of the methods were not approved by her but a lot of the people he was questioning could never be tried inside a court as they know too much and so they did not simply exist. Quadri had disappeared immediately the president touched down in Abuja as he made sure he did not leave her side. He personally ran her security and a suite at the Transcorp Hilton was converted into the Presidential villa until the House was completed. She also realized that some of those who planned the events could not be caught because they don’t know about them and sheraised it up with Kuyi and Kuyi simply said; “As long as there are people like you who areready to guard the existence and continual ofwhat’s right, they will remain in the shadows.A rise of the guardians will have been seen bythose who might want to cause trouble and Ican bet they would not want us to unleash our fury on them” That made her smiled as she had never knew Kuyi to be philosophical. As she rode back to her office with Charles driving, she looked up towards the sun and smiled” THE END.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:08:11 +0000

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