TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 1 AUTHOR: Underage Posted by - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 1 AUTHOR: Underage Posted by Admin Morphy Once upon a time, there was a princess who owned a wonderful dreamland. Life was really peaceful until someone attacked and destroyed everything she had. Only this time it was not some cruel, ugly villian but...........the prince of her dreams! 7th December, 2010 Karachi, Pakistan 5:00pm I still dont believe that Ive lost her forever. Perhaps I didnt deserve her. She was such a nice lady, such a wonderful female. I know that I can find many girls in this world, even more beautiful and more attractive than she was. But no girl can fit into that specific portion of my heart that has been reserved only for her now. What shall I call her? Agressive? Absolutely not. She was so patient, so calm. Hard and strict? Never. She was so flexible, so adaptable, very comprimising too. Rude and proud? No way. She was modest, friendly, and sympathetic. Extremist? Impossible. She sure knew her boundaries and limits. No, theres nothing I can call her. I cant give her a single, sole name. She was truly wonderful, capable of doing miraculous wonders. She understood me. I dont think that anyone could ever understand me like the way she did. She made me realize myself, arranging my lifes books neatly into this worlds shelf. Its only because of her that I am who I am. I will not say that she was perfect but she was the best one I ever could have hoped for, not only because she had a tremendous amount of unconditional love, but because she shaped who I am today, my qualities and characteristics. She was the one who made me beautiful in every sense. The kind you dont see much anymore. She was simple but yet so mysterious. She was so familiar but ah, at the same time, so strange too. In the paths of life, you find faces you cant forget ever, no matter how much you try. Then how can I forget that fairy-face which made me accustomed to the reality of life? Those lake-deep eyes which, when low, used to bring night and when high, were the source of daylight. She was the poetry of a born poet. Flowers needed her to grow; autumn required her to become spring. She was definitely a dream girl, a beautiful scene of my sleep. But she was a reality too. A reality, which creates history. A reality, you cant imagine your life without. She was so alive. One, who could give you life in one glance. There was just nothing else like her at all. It was her attitude toward life that made her uniquely captivating. She had a quick intelligence and a lively curiosity about anything she happened to encounter. And then.........she was gone when I needed her the most. She came and left. But she didnt leave alone; she had my life too. Ill never understand one thing. Why those times pass so quickly when youre happy? And why those times seem to stay forever when youre sad? Did I love her? He closed his eyes to minimize the intense expression of pain. Then, after taking few deep breaths, he began to write once again. I will not talk about my dark, ill past. But for sure, at present, her love is the greatest present for me. I love her not only for what she had made of herself but also for what she was making of me. I love her for the part of me that she brought out. Did she love me? Yes certainly. No other woman will ever love me like the way she did. Noone else will ever stand by me like her. Finishing his last word, he stopped writing, took off his fine, neat, half-framed spectacles and blew off a long, cold, lonely sigh. Tipping his head back on the headrest of the easy chair, he finally closed his eyes. You look good in glasses. Her wispher was very near. Huh? He turned quickly to locate the source. Not here and there, she was nowhere. He was alone in his room. Memories were like endless rain for him. Once began, they would never stop. As her voice faded with his consciousness, he thought he felt a tear strike his cheek. The wind was particularly cold and wet, even for December in Karachi. Taking a deep drag on his cigarette, he stood up from his place and opened the side window. Sharp and cold wave of wind hit him full in the face, a stream of air with strong noise of sea waves nearby. Thank God for the wind! It broke the silence. Through the huge plain glass window, he stared at the beach of white sand that seemed almost to glow in the moonlight. Long white breakers came out of the night and broke on the shore. Far out at sea, mysterious offshore lights winked and moved steadily along. With a long breath, he smelled the sea-scented air and closed his lashes. As soon as his anatomical eyes closed, his imaginative eyes opened and from the fantastic window of imagination, she came in front of him, like always. Smiling! Everything about her was absolutely beautiful. Even her appearance, he thought. What to say about her external beauty and looks....... If beauty is limited, then she has its final limit. Smiles were not very usual feature of her personality. Because of myself. He thought painfully. Yes I didnt give her much chance to smile. Rude, brutal, animal-like, I was like a sharp knife for her. You act as if you were God Almighty, but I know what youre really like! Youre a......a......bad- mannered, ill-tempered....savage! His own conscience showed him the mirror. Although he had not seen her smiling alot still he thought that flowers used to bloom when she smiled. Yes, her smile was as innocent as a young flower bud, as fresh as a sweet and scented morning breeze. Apart from her smiles, he always wondered what was so different in her appearance. She sure had something unique and powerful in her face that always differentiated her from the other women. Only now he found out what made her face and her personality so different and impressive. Yes, it was that particular glory, that specific charisma, which comes only on the faces of those women who have strong character and firm principles. Who never comprimise on their beliefs and who observe....... He couldnt think more. Such a shiny, bright glow she had on her face. Her hair was the first cloudiness which appears before rain. Her long, shiny locks were the source of comfort for the desperate and tired traveler. The musical ringing of the phone in his room dispersed his thoughts. With slow, tired steps, he reached and picked up the reciever. Yes? While holding the cordless reciever in one hand, he used the other to take his remainig cigarette to his dark lips. Hows my good boy today? A soft, caring male voice came from the other side. Assalaam O Alaikum Maulana uncle. He sighed with relief as he heard his teachers voice and then said, I was actually going to call you in few minutes. I have some good news for you. Not just his face, even his voice was smiling. Thankfully, your prayers got colors. You made my day son. I have waited so long for this very day. Maulana uncles voice became shaky with emotion. Dr Waris has called me tomorrow for my final check up. He said that hopefully they would issue the mental health clearance certificate for me this time. He said, leaning against the railing of the upstairs terrace. The salt breeze rippled gently through his dark black hair. And what about police matters? One of my friends talked to the D.I.G. Crimes, he has assured us that there are no more charges remaining on me now. My file has been closed. The police do accept the fact that whatever happened was something I did when I was not mentally normal. He finished his long sentence. Id never forgive myself ever though. Yes. Why not, thanks to Allah, youre normal now, physically as well as mentally. Maulana uncle was as supportive as ever. Its been a long way though. Uncle, I dont believe that its been more than two years now. He took a long breath. The loss is unbearable however. Maulana uncle remained silent this time. Uncle, tell me. Tell me, why does it hurt to love someone? From the other side, he heard a soft, sober laughter. People dont offer thanks when theyre happy. Yet they object when theyre hurt. I...I will be thankful this time. He sobbed. Sometimes, I just want my love back uncle. Although I know its impossible. Those who have gone forever, never come back. He murmured painfully. And please, not this time. I dont want to get hurt again. Your love was meant to be....... If it was meant to be, why did I lose her? His voice became loud, as he cut in. You didnt lose her.......Id say you let her go! Maulana uncke replied. And that was your mistake. He did not reply. He had nothing to say. Hows your poetry going? My only hobby these days. He laughed emptily. Yes I wrote something new. And what it could be? My new poem, want to hear? He aksed, resting against the railing again and gazing far out to sea. Why not. Hearing his response, he set his neatly framed glasses back on his nose and opened his diary again. Alright, here it is.... I have dedicated this to her, the same person for whom I wrote it. By the way the title is Thank you. Hmm, sounds interesting. Lets begin now. He closed his eyes, tipped his head back again and began to read the poem in a soft, low voice but with an impressive accent and perfection. My love..... I am a different person, a better person, since we first met, your honesty helped me to see my weaknesses, and your support helped me to turn them into strengths. Thank you, for being my real, true friend for not saying the things you thought I wanted to hear, but for saying the things I needed to know. Thank you for being my teacher! I was helpless, you supported me I was restless, you comforted me I was ignorant, you acknowledged me Thank you...... And now, I know, youre not with me, but know what? Youre still inme Thank you for being my everything You there uncle? Finishing his poem, he asked. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful my son. Maulana uncles voice was laden with joy and appreciation. While thanking Allah for making us better and the best, we should not forget the channel which is the source between Allah and us. Your thank you is just fantastic. In answer, he smiled soberly and said, Well, what can I say in answer except another Thank you! Maulana uncle laughed again. Son, Id like to suggest something for you and you really need that! And whats that uncle? Change. You need change. Change or escape from my worries? No, I mean change of atmospher. Go to some good picnic point of your city. It will provide you a chance to gather your thoughts again or.... Maulana uncle left his sentence unfinished. Or? If you know what I mean, you can change your place too, I mean your home....... Uncle please... He cut in sharply with pain. You know its one of the last memories of her. I can still fell her fragrance here. I cant even think of leaving this place... But my child, dont you think these three thousand yards are too big for a single,solitary you? Uncle I suppose we shall leave this discussion for later times, if you dont mind. His voice became spotless, his face expressionless. But Id definitely think about what you said about change of atmosphere! He assured him seriously,blowing off another puff of cigarette smoke. May this change bring many other pleasant changes to you son. Ill visit you soon. Thank you uncle. Ill be looking forward to welcome you here. Alright, and do inform me about your medical report as soon as you get it. Okay? Sure uncle! Take care. Allah hafiz. Hanging up the phone, he finished off his remaining cigarette. Now, it was time to sleep. It wont come so easily though. His own smile was sarcastic for himself. Watchout for episode 2
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 08:31:21 +0000

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