TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 10 AUTHOR: Underage In the - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 10 AUTHOR: Underage In the middle of the night, Komal awoke in a cold sweat. With shaky hands, she took the glass full of water by her bedside to her trembling lips. Its enough now. She had to inform him. She had to tell him the fact that was eating her up like a dangerous dragon. The telephone rang as Aariz was preparing for bed. He reached out one hand for the reciever, his other hand held his toothbrush. Yes? His voice was drowned in a sleepy way. Aariz? The feminine voice rang like crystal chimes over the wires. Komal, is that you? Are you alright, what happened? With the telephone reciever wedged between his ear and shoulder, he went on brushing his teeth. I cant keep it inside me anymore, Ive to tell you this. Yes, Im here. He blinked his eyes fully, his sleep miles away. Tell me, what you need to tell me. Not on the phone. She sobbed. We need to meet and talk. But whats the matter? Any problem? The answer was sighed rather than spoken. Aariz, Im waiting for you at Sun cafe! And then she hung up the reciever. He set the phone reciever back in its cradle and sighed. Within ten minutes, he was ready to meet her. He rushed toward Sun cafe in his Honda Accord, a famous cafe that was not far from his place. When he reached there, he was suprised to find out that she was already waiting for him. Her beauty, her charms and her vulnerability was so intense and effective that it didnt fail to inspire and impress hin even in thus tensed state and condition. She had tied her gorgeous bright, nut-shining hair into a long ponytail and wore a quarter sleeved plain white shirt of bosky and nice fitting jeans that revealed most of the details of her extremely attractive legs. He noted with interest that she had a pair of shapely legs tapering smoothly from their joint to the ankle. Wow. He said, as she tood up to greet him. You startle me, dazzle me even in yoour casual appearance. Wow yourself. She said without much expression. She ran one hand through her already tousled hair and sank into the chair. Now, whats the problem? He asked, gazing deeply into her eyes. She swallowed hard. A waiter appeared and vaguely, she heard Aariz ordering black coffee. By the time they were sitting in an isolated booth in the back of the cafe five minutes kater, she had found her voice. Aariz you have to listen with patience. She said huskily. For Gods sake Komal, thats why Im here. Please tell me now. She opened her lips, her facial expression clearly showing the featuresbof war that was going on between her heart and mind. God, why does this happen to me? She cried silently. She needed to telk him things, wanted to inform him about all those essential facts, which were confusing her, making her frustrated. There are two big problems in our way, two major obstacles. She said, when at last she gained her breath. And what are those? What would your parents think? She asked, eyeing him critically. What would your relatives say? Would they accept me with open arms?She asked another question, without waiting for his answer. Look Komal, its my life. Do you have to live with my relatives and my parents or with me alone? ButI dont want an isolated life. She protested. You know very well that I dont give a damn to these silly social and religious restrictions or whatever. He said with firm belief. Its my life and I have full right to spend or pass it in a way I like it. Frankly, its none of my relatives business. He said harshly, his voice filled with emotion. She couldnt reply, instead she just lowered her head. Neither of then spoke much afterwards. Was this the reason why you called me at midnight and told me to reach here instantly? He asked sarcastically. She was silent. He was angry, she knew. They both rose from their chairs simultaneously. I hope I didnt hurt you. She said. No you didnt. His answer was quick and short as he accompanied her to the parking. Ive my own car. You can go. She said as they reached the place where their cars were parked. Lady. He first looked at his wristwatch and then at her face. Its two a.m and its Karachi, a city of lights but a place of fights. You go and Id follow you in my car to your house. She didnt argue then, instead she just opened the door of her mercedes and got in. As she drove, she could see in the back mirror, his car following hers. He was caring, no doubt about that. Few minutes later, she got out of her car and crossed the parking lot of her uncles house. By the gate, she turned back to throw one last look at him and stunned. He was standing wonderfully with his back tipped on his car, his arms crossed on his chest and his eyes fixed on her. I know whats making you worried and confused. Suddenly, words left his mouth in the most effective way, his tone heavy and serious. We are from two different communities and sects, rights? One of us is Shiyah and the other is Sunni? He gave her a slight smile. Its not just that. She opened her lips but her feet didnt leave her place. Then? She sighed and turned to face the man standing at her backside, for one last time. I.....I Hmmm? His brows curved upward. I.....am..... She gathered all of her courage and power to blast the bomb finally. Yes, this was the time. This was the occasion and this was the moment to tell him the truth. Im........engaged. Engaged? At first, he couldnt believe his ears but then a wave of involuntary shock hit him. For a moment he stood there dry-mouthed, rooted to the spot. What was she talking about? Come on Komal. He murmured breathlessly. Tell me this is some kind of sick joke. This is not some sick joke. Its a healthy reality which makes me sick. She sobbed. My mind just doesnt accept you being engaged. He still didnt want to believe. Well....well not really. She stammered thickly. What do you mean by not really? Aariz shrugged his shoulders, his hearts drowning. Im sorry, I dont have any idea what you are talking about! I.....I can explain. She gathered her nerves and began to say... There was no tradition, no celebration. But its my parents decision. Just one day my father announced that hes seen some good guy for me, and wed be suitable for each other, thats all. Thats all?He laughed emptily. Listen Aariz. Its not appropriate to talk about this in front of my house and when its already..... She paused to glance at her watch. Oh my God, its almost three a.m. Without saying a word, he turned. Taking slow, tired steps, he walked to his car. Aariz, Id call you tomorrow. Well meet. As he ignited the engine, he heard Komals voice. But he didnt answer. There was not much to say now, was there? ***************** Next day, the first thing she did was to dail Aarizs number. Yes? The same pure masculine voice came from the other side and her heart started to beat faster. Aariz, its me. She murmured slowly. From the other side, she heard a long, tired breath. Im leaving for London tomorrow. She announced. Good bye, have a nice trip. He said in a very formal voice, without much expression. Aariz....She sobbed. Dont do this to me. You know very well that I cant live without you. Then what can I do about that? He asked. If my parents have seen some guy for me it doesnt necassarily mean that I agreed too. She said firmly. Hes not my ideal, and I dont like him an inch. So? So, my feelings are the same, and Im the same Komal for you. But..... But? He repeated. Aariz..... Hmmmm? I.....Im scared. Of what? What if my parents objected? She asked fearfully. Wed revolt. He said firmly and seriously. We belong to this new millennium, and were bold and courageous enough to take our future in our own hands. So..... He wisphered romantically. What therefore God has joined together, let no man seperate. But do you really think God had joined us together? She shook her head, a mass of nut-brown hair brushing her shoulders. He will, as soon as we get married. He smiled soberly. Do you believe marriages are arranged in heaven but are celebrated on earth, like they say? Komal asked, curious to know his opinion. Umm. Yes. He said thoughtfully. I do believe that if God has made your match with someone, youd get him somehow, no matter how much obstacles come into your way. But Komal, His voice suddenly acquired an angry tone. I have some objection. Whats that? Why didnt you tell me about your engagement before? He asked. I was not sure of myself. Komal said breathlessly. I didnt trust my feelings then. He was silent at her comment. Absently, he pulled a plate of biscuits in front of him, holding the reciever with the other hand. What about my engagement? Komal asked after a short interval. What about it? He asked casually. What do I do about it now? Konal asked in a low voice. He put a biscuit halfway between his teeth and then cracked it forcefully. Break it! Her eyes widened to their extremes. But how? Bring me in the picture. Present me as a substitute to your parents. He swallowed the biscuit and took a fine sip of his tea. Thatll do it. You make it all seem so easy. She smiled sadly. Thats simple. As he spoke, she could feel his voice smiling decently. When one door closes, a better and bigger one opens! There was a short pause, and then he asked. Do you think you can convince your parents? Yes, She said immediately. They trust me, and I trust them. They would never want to do something against my will. Theyve always respected my happiness and wishes. But.... But? I can see the real problem would probably arise from your side Aariz. What do you mean? He asked sharply. I still cant see myself being welcomed with open arms. Komal said. Im from a different sect. Dont be silly Komal. He muttered in frustration. My father is not like that. He accepts people for who they are, and youre intelligent, ambitious and top in your field. And what about your mother? She asked skeptically. Mother. He whispered thoughtfully. She loves me more than anything else in this world. Moreover, shes an open minded and modern lady. She doesnt believe in forcing her opinions on others. Well. She said after breathing a short sigh. Lets see. So? Aariz asked in a low tone. Whos this guy? Who? She asked back. The guy your parents have choosen for you. Well. Komal said with pure disinterest. He is my fathers assistant. He is his second in command in our company. I see. Aariz said dryly. His brilliant skills and marvelous business tactics have given him more success than he expected. My fathers company is now one of the most successful and powerful companies in England. Whats his name by the way? Aariz finally asked. Sikander....... She breathed. Sikander Riza. Sikander Riza, the ruler, as her father privately dubbed him, was second-in-command of the company her father had built into one of the largest in U.K. Well bred, educated, and well off in his own right, he had joined it from one of their main competitors, and had qucikly became Managing Director. He had eyesight fixed on the stars. Getting to the top was his prime ambition, and he was intelligent and hardworking enough to be well on the way there. I thank the day Sikander joined me, Her father often used to say. It will be hard replacing him if he leaves. If her father hadnt thrown him at her as a suitable husband from the time she was sixteen, she might have found him tolerable. But knowing he was regarded as a surrogate son had made her react against him. How and when it had all started? She could still recall very well. After all, it was her sixteenth birthday Now, that was another thing that had turned out to be bitter sixteen for her instead of a sweet sixteen one. Hello Komal, enjoying yourself? He had asked in a typical, casual voice. Impeccable in grey dinner jacket and black trousers that emphasized his physique, his pale grey eyes regarded her unblinkingly. Very much, and you? She asked back formally. He nodded. May I have a word with you in private? Short of being rude, she couldnt refuse, and stifling her impatience, she preceded him into her fathers study. What on earth did he want? Impatiently she tapped one small foot as he went to standby the fireplace. Youre leaving for college on Monday, I believe. He said conversationally. Yes. Then Im glad I can speak to you tonight. Im going abroad for a while, and this is the only chance Ill have of seeing you until your holidays. So what? She thought irritably. She hardly saw him anyway. A little birthday gift, He said, holding it out. I didnt want to put it with the others in the hall. Taking a flat, square black box from his hand, Komal opened it slowly and gasped. On a bed of black velvet lay an excellent necklace of real, true pearls all arranged evenly. Involuntarily, Komal brought a finger to touch the brightly colored pearls. She loved it at first sight, although hated the fact that Sikander was giving it. However, she didnt let her feelings reveal through her face. Thank you, its a nice one. She said. Im glad you like it, He said tonelessly. Komal was about to turn away from him when his voice gripped her feet. Id like you to accept it as a combined birthday and engagement present. He went on. To me, it seemed premature to buy a ring until youve given me your answer. Speechlessly she stared at him. Im asking you to marry me. He added. He couldnt be serious! But his expression showed he was, and the very idea infuriated her into replying. We hardly know each other. Ive never even been out with you! Weve known each other for two years; Ive seen you most times Ive dinner here. Karim, our butler sees me everyday. She rejoined, referring to their servant. But I dont expect him to propose to me! He swallowed but said nothing. I know exactly why you want to marry me, and its got nothing to do with love. She said firmly without much expression. Youre sure about that? Actions speak louder than words, and yours can hardly be called lover-like! She railed. For several seconds Sikander remained silent, the increasig dark complexion of his skin being the only sign of anger. I dont need to marry to secure dynasty, Komal. Im quite capable of securing my own. Come off it, She retorted. This company is ready made for you. What makes you certain I dont love you? He countered, ignoring her comment. They way you behave, as I said, youve never even asked me out before. A mistake, I agree. But only because I thought you were too young to..... But mature enough to be your wife. She cut in sacarstically. He took a very long breath and then said, But Im honest..... Yes, no doubt about that. Youve always been honest to your business, an excellent businessman and Im just another piece of business to you! Only theres one thing youve forgotten. Which is? That I cant be bought or taken over! Now if you dont mind, my friends are waiting for me. Turning in her heel, she stalked out. She hoped she had not come across too flat. But she had to be honest with him, and with herself. She glanced at Sikander as he came to join the guests once again; his face again spotless and without any expression, like nothing had happened at all. One never knew with him. He rarely showed much expression, while she was an open book. Same night, her father had announced in private that hed want her to marry Sikander. He didnt actually force his decision but it was clear that Sikander was his only choice, and then it was not very easy for Komal to ignore or reject him specially when she had no one else in her mind. Id want you to consider Sikander as the first man in your list, when the time comes. Her father had said. Weve nothing in common. She protested. Sure you have, he likes this country. Like you, he is not conservative, and hes interested in art; same as you. You must be joking Dad! Hes never even talked about love to me. When have you given him the chance? As soon as you see him, you rush off as if your tails on fire. Meaning? Meaning is clear. Spend time with him; try to understand each other. Thats what a successful marriage needs. Her father said finally. Komal tried picturing being married to him, no highs, no lows, no quarrels and no passion. How boring! Not that she had ever actually fancied him! They were too disparate: he was cold where she was warm, analytical where she was intuitive and reserved where she was impulsive. Her friend Mawara always used to inquire about Sikander, in the same way good friends tease their friends about their spouse-to-be, but suprisingly Komal never felt any heart-throbbing emotion for him whenever Mawara talked about him. What about this guy of yours? Mawara had once asked. Sikander? What about him? Hows he? Not bad I guess. Komal began to polish her nails carelessly. He is always busy with his business stuff you know. Komal, are you happy with this relationship? Mawaras question was sudden and unexpected. Which one? Come on, I mean your relationship with him. Miss Mawara... Komal said quickly, forgetting her nails for a while. For your information, we dont have any relationship yet. Were not even engaged officially and properly. Okay....okay. Mawara raised her hand, stopping her from saying more. I mean, are you happy with what your father said about him being your future husband? Yeah Im. Am I not supposed to be? But do you love him? Listen my friend. The set up to which we eastern girls belong doesnt give us much choice. We have to obey our parents, no matter if their choice suits us or not, and Im no different. But really Im happy. I have left everything to God. Im sure He will do well with us. But thats not the answer of my question. Mawara shook her head in frustration. I asked, do you love him? Mawara glared at her. Ill try to love him definitely. Like most Pakistani girls do after marriage. She laughed coldly. I know. Mawara took a cold breath. He is not your ideal. Yeah, but I dont think it matters alot. He is too cold to be my ideal. I like friendly, charming men, who could give me full attention and care. But Sikander doesnt have much time for me. Komal said blankly. But he can change. Mawara argued. Change? Komal raised her brows in a gesture of disbelief. Dont you know, a woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesnt, while a man marries a woman expecting that she wont change, but she does. She laughed, but at Mawara, it clearly looked like an artificial act. Why? He looks so nice. Did I say hes not? Komals tone was colder this time. He sure is a very nice business man. My father cant trust any wrong person for his business and........well for his daughter. Know what Komal? Mawara gave her a friendly look. Value this relationship. You are lucky that your parents have seen some nice man for you in this bad era when most girls are still waiting for good proposals. I dont care about that. Shaking her hair, Komal had finally said. After that birthday incident, Sikander talked to Komal only one more time on the topic, and she could guess that is was more of her fathers wish that made him to talk about the same topic again. It was four months after her birthday that they met on the dinning table, alone in her house. Hello Komal. As usual his soft voice was devoid of any expression. Hi. I wanted to know your answer. You already had one, if I am not forgetting. He drank the glass of mineral water, without looking at her; his eyes seemed almost robotic. You didnt give me a clear cut reply. He said as he gulped down the cold water. Oh. Her brows rose automatically. I thought you were wise enough to..... It is wise enough to have clear cut answers in such important matters instead of wasting time playing tricks and games. He cut in sharply, and for the first time she thought he was finally going to lose his temper. Im not playing any tricks or games Mr. Sikander. Why? As he spoke, she could note the mild amusement glistening from his eyes. I suppose youre still young enough to play games. Yeah, thays why you were proposing to me the other day. She laughed with sheer satire. I didnt say that we were getting married on the very next day. He said, now once again back to his cold, plain style. Im sorry. She replied quickly. She had decided not to waste her time, energy and mind by talking with such man who was well-known for his business stamina and talking energy. The answer is no. She finally said. He looked unaffected, like he had already guessed it. May I ask why? She didnt reply, just brushed her lips with the fragrant tissue paper and got up to leave. Do you hate me? He asked suddenly. She thought for few moments, and then came to conclusion that she had, infact, no feelings for him. No love, no hate. No. She said and reached near the room window. Do you find me repulsive then? His question startled her, and almost without realizing it she made a physical inventory of him, accepting again that some women would admit the tall, lean figure and the dark precise features. I simply feel nothing for you Mr. Sikander. Would you mind telling me the reason? He asked again. Thats because your characters like an iceberg most of the time---three quarters hidden! She told him. Ice bergs melt, given sufficient warmth. He whispered. She pretended not to hear and stared through the window as if she had never seen England before. I hope youve got what you wanted to know. She said turning, and then seeing no response from him, she turned on her heels and walked out of the room. Since then, they never talked about it again. Their conversation had always been very formal and couldnt increase more than typical hello and hi. Watchout for episode 11 Target: 5 Likes
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:18:15 +0000

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