TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 8 AUTHOr: underage Aariz - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Silent Lover EPISODE: 8 AUTHOr: underage Aariz called Shaheryaar at his offixe first thing the next morning. I want her phone number. Whose? Shaheryaar could not get him. Come on Yaar. Aariz said, displeased at his friends memory. Im talking about Komal, your cousins cousin. Oh, Shaheryaar took a ling breath. Are you really serious Aariz? Now thats totally ridiculous, Aariz said with artificial anger. Didnt you guess anything last night? Umm, yeah but I thought it was just simple, plain admiration and thats all. I didnt think you were really into her. You forgot what you said last night? Aariz smiled. That youve got a black tongue. Now heres another proof for that. But are you sure? What the hell do you mean by that? Aariz asked angrily. I mean, are you aure about your feelings? Are they real or do you just want friendship with her? I already have a lot of female friends and you know that very well. Aariz stated. Its not just time passing. For the first time in my life, I am feeling something really genuine, straight from my heart. But..... Shaheryaar said after few moments. She.... She is different . What do you mean by different? She is not from our community, man. Oh, does that realky matter? Aariz laughed emptily. I thought she is alien or something. Aariz, this is not some game or fun. Thats what Im trying to tell you, stop kidding and give me her phone number. There was a brief silence on the other side, then he heard Shaheryaars breath. Okay. I dont have her number right now. But I can take that from Shahper uncle. Do that soon. Alrigt buddy, Id call you in twenty minutes. As Aariz set the reciever back to the cradle, his breath grew fast. So Mr. AarizHe told himself. You finally got what you were looking for, huh? My ideal, the princess of my dreams, my girl. He placed his hands behind his nap and sighed contently. How would she react? What would be her response? From what hed guess after his short meeting last night, she looked friendly, outgoing and social kind of girl. Exactly like the kind of girl he had in his mind. Smart, open-minded and modern, one who could be freelu able to move in society, walking side by side with him. He had to have this woman.......this prize, this angel. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He had not been able to sleep for a minute last night. As whenever he tried to close his eyes, her face came in front of his eyes. Yes, all the symptoms were there. He thought and smiled at himself. He still remembered the soft brush of her long dark brown hair, the sweet smell of her perfume. To say she was stunning was an understatement. But at the same time, he was sure that his attraction to her was more than physical. And then, the memory of his conversation with Shaheryaar came into his mind. Things had been so true so far. He couldnt believe it. Does marriage change ones life? He had asked Well yes. It does. Shaheryaar had told him. How much? He had asked again. Depends. On what? On circumtances, natures, characters and ........in your fate. Shaheryaar had finally said. He opened his eyes and smiled. But he was sure about one thing; his life had changed even before marriage. ******************** The alaarm clock went off precisely at ten oclock in the morning. Komal rolled over with a groan while her hand fumbled over the bedside table to find the clock and shut it off. The urge was strong to go back to sleep but her conscience wouldnt let her. She tried to push the sleep from her face without success and lethargically swung her legs from beneath the silky bedcovers onto the floor. Her eyes, heavy with the sleep, opened to mere slits as she stumbled to the chair where her cotton robe was lying. Just then, her bedside telephone rang with full disturbing sound. Angry and confused at the same time, she first looked at the wall clock of her bedroom and then reached to answer the phone. Damn. You never leave me Mawara! She hissed in an angry tone, without even confirming about the person on the other side. Silence. Hello? She asked, even more confused. Whos this? Good morning. After a brief silence, came a heavy, purely masculine voicd, which was enough to stimulate the deepest nerves of her being. She didnt say a word, trying to recognize him. Dont think too much. I dont like philosopher kind of girls. He laughed soberly. May I know who you are? Sure, why not. Im very much willing to give you my whole biodata, if youre interested, Said the voice on the line. Listen..... She opened her tongue harshly. Whoever youre..... Aariz, He breathed, before she could say further. Aariz Ali, He didnt let her finish her sentence but did finish her confusion in the most fabulous way possible. Oh, A long shuddering breath escaped out of her lungs through her trembling lips as she sat up straight. She was almost about to tell.him I wasnt expecting you to call, bug caught her tongue just at the moment. I hope I didnt disturb your sleep, did I? She smiled in answer and said. Why do you always take permission for things youve already done? He laughed loudly this time. Do remember your words Maam. He said, his voice smiling. That was something very meaningful. Only then she realized what shed said and what could be its after effects. So, how was the wedding? He asked anxiously, after a brief pause. Very nice, so beautiful. So are you. He said spontaneously. She was speechless for some moments, then said, That was very superficial remark. I always keep deep things saved for later times. As he spoke, she could easily guess that he had not stopped smiling for a second. May I ask how did you....... Get your phone number? He interrupted again, never giving her a chance to speak properly. It was pretty easy. Your cousin Daniyal is my best friends cousin as well. Oh, She giggled. Seems like very close relation. Are you being sarcastic? No, She answered. Im only being honest. I like...... He said huskily, his tone suddenly became serious and deep. I like honest people, because I am a honest man myself. She kept herself silent this time. Also, you told me you were about to go back to London soon...... He continued. And thats why I didnt watse time. As he spoke, her breaths grew fast. Basically Im a simple and straight forward person, Komal, He told her, his voice even more deep and heavy now. I dont believe in flirtatious movies dialogues and cheap styles of expression. So I decided to tell you the truth right away. And whats your truth? She wanted to ask but her tongue didnt follow her mind. And the truth is that, He said. Oh God, he even seemed to be reading her mind. I really like you and want to meet you. What She was totally shocked and taken aback. But why? What do you have in mind? I was wondering if we both wanted to go out? He said in a flow. But..... She said, her voice high. But we dont even know each other properly. Thats whay I thought too. Aariz said, buy Ive been thinking and it occurred to me that meeting each other would be the best way possible to know each other. She couldnt say a word in answer. Take your time Komal, He said softly but firmly. I dont want to force myself upon you. But I have just one request.... He finished his sentence. Her heartbeats had become so loud that she thought if he could hear them. And that is, dont deny your feelings, and dont betray your heart. He whispered, and then added. And now even if you refuse my offer, reject my suggestion, I wont insist. Id take that as my fate, my luck. He didnt say a word after that, but she could hear his breaths. He sure was curious to know her response and was desperate to see her reaction. I....... She began to say, but felt like her throat was obstructed. I.....Ive never ever done that. Neither did I. He told her. Okay, She finally released the long breath she was holding for so long. When and where do you want to meet? Thanks. His voice became loud and shaky with intense happiness. Thanks so much Komal. Thanks for what? For trusting me, believing me. Its alright. She smiled for the first time in their conversation. I think youre nice. Now I wont say a second thanks for that. How about tomorrow night, if it is not too short notice? Err, tomorrows no good, Im afraid, its my best friends birthday. How about saturday? Saturdays great, Ill book a table somewhere nice if you fancy it. Komal was always up for good food. Sounds great. Umm. Okay, but do you know my address? Ofcourse not. He laughed. Im actually staying with my uncles family here in Defense. She told him her address. Ill be there! He was feeling very happy indeed. Well, see you then! Bye for now. She put down the reciever. Her first date with any guy ever. She thought and sighed. The line had been crossed and there was no stepping back. Komal lifted an arm and brushed aside a strand of dark brown hair that fell lazily across her forehead. She knew he would want to see her this way, fresh and natural without any goopy makeup to mask her natural loveliness. Komal are you going somewhere? Hairbrush almosy dropped off her hand as she heard her mothers voice at her back. Y....yes Mom. Where? To meet a friend. She turned back to face the huge mirror of her dressing table, applying lipstick to her pouting lips. Is there some party or something? Her mother raised her brows. Why, nothing, nothing at all, She stammered. Just a simple meeting. Alright, but this is Karachi, not london. Be back soon, okay? Her mother looked into her eyes. I will mom. Dont worry, Turning back to her mother; she gave her a typical daughterly peck on the cheek and said goodbye to her as she left her room. She had always been proud of her parents. They were ideal parents for her. Not just because she was their only child but also because their nature was very flexible and they were really broadminded. They had always trusted her and she had never made any attempt to break their trust. Aariz parked his car just in front of her gate and climbed out of it. He firat rang the doorbell and then knocked on the door, feeling that shed be able to hear his heart pounding through it. He was almost about to ring the bell second time when suddenly the door opened and Komal appeared from inside. Once again, Aariz was struck by her apprearance, as she looked extremely gorgeous in a cute simple royal blue fitting dress and matchinf heels. Her fair, smooth arms visible out of her quarter-sleeved dress added extra charms to her already very attractive figure. He looked up at her for what must have been a few seconds, but felt like hours. Their gazes met. There was a sense of intimacy they shared that couldnt be denied. Something had happened between them, without a touch, without a word , but very real all the same. Aariz. Her lush lips curved into a smile. Well, I guess were already late. Hurry up, Ive to be back soon. People are looking very beautiful today! He teased but his eyes were very gentle. Long, mascular arms folded across a broad chest. His sentence brought a blooming crimson blush on her face. She could feel his eyes roaming over her vulnerable and exposed figure. But, suprisingly, it did not make her uncomfortable. Instead, it gave her a surge of pride for the beautiful body she owned. Men stared at her as she walked down the street, eveb though she always tried to wear clothes that would hide her figure in the best possible way. While he preceded her toward his car, she observed him with concentration. He was a few inches taller than she was, with broad shoulders and fine, black hair but it was his eyes that unsettled her the most. They were a deep black, quick and brazen and tender, all at once. His hands looked strong yet artistic and they were dusted with soft black hair, as was the generous expanse of chest revealed by his open-throated whtie shirt. The effect was one quiet, inexorable masculinity. Here was a man, Komal decided uneasily, who had no self-doubts at all. He was probably arrogant. There was an air of ease between them as they took their table in a candlelit restuarant whose windows afforded a panoramic view of the Arabian Sea. It was a place of lovers: soft lights and softer music, tables set discretely apart, food and service faultless. As they both sat there, they began to just gaze into each others eyes. Examining the others beauty at the edge of their close focus distance. Komal felt a stirring inside her as she explored his face with her eyes. As the two gazed into each others eyes, they knew this relationship was going to last. An unspoken truth in their hearts for so many years..... Now thus was their time. Aariz.... She called him in a low voice. Aariz? Hmmm, yes? He opened his mouth in reply, his chin still supported by the fist of his left hand. Say something. Said Komal, ultimately breaking the silence. Im speechless. Why? When eyes can talk, I prefer to give my tongue some rest. He smiled. It...it all seems like a dream to me. I never thought it could all happen so soon. Komal whispered dreamily. Same here. He sighed and straightened himself up. So are you going to watse all the time, sitting here like this and saying nothing? She smiled. He smiled back in answer, his eyes never leaving her face. Did I tell you Komal that I live the way you smile? He breathed softly. And your smile, in turn, makes me smile back. He said and then added. If I could reach up and hold a star for everytime you made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. He said in a gentle, purely romantic manner. Oh, She changed her angle and turned her head to hide the expression his wonderful words had produced on her face. Dont flatter me, Im only telling the truth. He told her. Tell me more about yourself. She propped her chin on her hands,.her elbows paced on the table in a stylish way. What do you want to know? Hmm, everything. Like about your family, your parents, your future plans,.your hobbies, nature. She said, her voice filled with sheer interest and pure curiosity Well......I am a graduate in public administration from John Hopkins University, USA. My father urged me to go to U.S for higher studies immediately after my matriculation in Pakistan. He left his sentence unfinished as the waiter brought their ordered menu items for dinner and refreshment. The items include Chinese fried rice with Italian salas and some fresh mushrooms. Pakistani dishes like spicy Kata-kat and Behari Kabaab with Poori Parathas were also there. The drinks include fresh lemonade, orange juice mix, and hot tea. My God, Aariz this is too much. Wholl eat all this? Komal exclaimed with shock, her big eyes getting even bigger. Doesnt matter if your stomach is small. Just keep your heart big enough. He winked naughtily. So I was saying.....I have been in U.S for the last nine years. I just came back last year, but thankfully living in U.S has improved my personality a lot, in certain ways. He resumed his talk as Komal re-arranged the dishes in front of them. What ways? She asked curiously. I mean, I am more broad minded and balanced person now. Youd not find even single trace conservatism or backwardness in me. He said proudly. Basically, I am a simple person. Fun loving you can say, emotional in a healthy way. I run away from sober kind of people, they simply make me bored. Means, you are an out going kind of person? Komal asked, separating the plates of spaghettis and Italian salad. Yes, you can say that. He poured the hot sour and sauce soup in the bowl. I love to have fun and want to enjoy my life to its fullest. Hey, thats my line. Komal grinned. I cant tolerate sad faces. Life is too small to be wasted in sorrows and tragedies. Aariz smiled and said, Id call myself a talkative man. Talkative in a good, funny way as I love to joke around. Really? Yes, why not. You wont believe I was thinking something really funny when we reached here few moments ago. Aariz told her. And whats that? Some jokes related to this so called dating phenomenon. He chuckled. Oh yeah? I know soms of those myseld. Komal giggled. Like what? Like, when before their first date, the girl tells the guy, encouraging him,Go on, dont be shy. Ask me out! and the guy says, Okay, get out! As a reaction, Aarizs masculine laughter touched her soul as she heard it. Have you ever heard that joke....? Aariz asked, finally getting his breaths to normal. In which the guy assures the girl that I think I could make you very happy. Aariz changed his accent in Parody of the joke. Yeah, and the girl asks, Komal said, amused. Why? Are you leaving? This time, they both burst into delightful laughter. Yeah, Aariz couldnt stop laughing. And when the guy asks again that do you think it was fate which brought us together? But the girl replies, Nah, it was plain bad luck. While they were laughing, smiling and giggling, Aariz realized something for the very first time in his life. Yes, thats how hed always wanted his life to be, full of smiles and laughter with a wonderful partner. God. Are we really on a date? Komal asked, her face turning red due to the intensity of her laughing. Aariz watched with interest as the flush spread from her pretty face down to her throat. God, she was adorable. Its not a date. He said huskily. Its our fate, which brought us together. His serious and touchy tone brought her back to reality. Here she was, alone, with this wonderful man whom she had met just a couple of days ago, talking about everything. But it all felt wonderful. Can I get the two of you anything else? The waiter asked as he stepped back alongside the table. No, thank you. Kindly show us the bill please.Aariz smiled with grace as the waiter returned to bring the bill. Are you religious? On thjs unexpected question of Komal, he was suprised. Religion was something he was not much used to discussing with others. Yeah I am a muslim, but not a fanatic one. He said firmly. Fanatic muslims? One who goes to extremes in following his religion. He told her with clear disinterest. Mullah kind of people, you know, He added. Who always keep on saying, do this and dont do that. Well, such kind of people really makes me sick. I keep everything in its limits. Komal exhaled a deep breath of relief and then took a final sip of her tea. She, herself had never liked religious men ever. Conservative, male chauvinists baised towards women, having narrow world starting from Islam and ending on it, never going out of their self-made shell. Yeah, same goes for me too. She said seriously. I want balance in everything of life. Being moderate is the best way to pass your life. Be moderate in everything. Religion, world, life....everything. Leave this boring discussion dear. Religion never attracts me. Its a food for old conservative people and Im not that old yet. He laughed. Throughout dinner, Aariz chatted about his parents, how gentle and caring they were and how they had always respected his wishes. So when are we going to meet again? He asked, now looking directly into her deep eyes. On his question, she lowered her head, thinking. Seeing her hesitation, he said, I....Im sorry Komal. Really I am. I.....I dont know what came over me. Ive nevrer tried to force myself on a girl before. Youre not forcing me to do anything Aariz. She cut in before he could say further. Its me, She said. Im more to blame than you becaise I should have stopped you sooner. You.....youre a man, afterall. Stopped me, but why? He couldnt understand what she meant. I mean...... She tried to say. There are some problems. Like what? Well.... She sighed and looked at her wristwatch. I should better be going now. Mom would be waiting for me. Id tell you next time. She smiled. Okay, as you wish. He shrugged his shoulders. Aariz signed the bill and they rose to leave. As they walk the short distance to their car, he called her. Komal! Yes? We sat together, we talked for just a few moments and yet it felt so wonderful. His face creased with emotion. I was wondering how beautiful his whole life could be if you get you desirable partner, one you really wish for..... And on his meaningful sentence, she suddenly became silent, thinking of nothing but him. Watchout for episode 9 Target: 5 likes
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:13:51 +0000

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