TITLE: The Tri-paternal Son EPISODE: 10 AUTHOR: Mynd Posted by - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Tri-paternal Son EPISODE: 10 AUTHOR: Mynd Posted by Admin Morphy The creature could not believe that a mere mortal with unknown powers could talk to it in the manner which Ojoade was talking to it.The mortal had to have something it was trusting on and this made the creature a lot more curious. It tried to move closer to Ojoade but it found it was been prevented bya force, something was keeping the distance between them; a sort of protection ring that wizards use to keep themselves save but it mostly works on other wizards and it was not a wizard, infact right now, it had more powers than a protector as it felt the power delivered by the souls of the people it had fedon swelling in it. The power was making it feel invincible and the thought that a mere mortal who it could not even identify was standing against it was even more annoying. The creature floated back down and hovered at almost the height as Ojoade as it tried to make out what to do. Not that it was scared of the energy around the mortal but the fact was that there was so many ways to kill him, it could not decide on which one to use. There have always been humans who got hold of some object of power and got powerful and that are probably who this mortal is and quashing the ring of energy between them would be easy and decided onwhat to do. No point wasting it’s energy breaking the protection ring, it would just kill his mind right there and then. Ojoade saw the creature hover in front of him and he brought all his years of self training to use, this will be the first time he would use his powers by himself against anything to protect himself as the need neverarouse. He had never had to strike anyone with thunder even though he had used it to clear trees out of his way a lot of times He tightened his fist as he felt a gust of energy gather around him. The energy formed a sort of ring around him and he within the ring, he felt just one thing. Power. Power he always felt around him but he could not tap into. The ring grew thicker and almost became visible as he began to see phantom images of the energy in front of him. A little fear grew in him and he quickly dispelled it. The clouds above the forest thickened and birds who sang some minutes earlier kept quiet. The leaves around the spot where the creature hovered withered and died without anything touching while those on Ojoade’s side remained like that. The wind became stilland there was a thick foul air around. It was clear at this point to both parties that there was great power at work and the powers were about to clash. The creature decided it had had enough and decided to attack. Its hood suddenly fell from its skull to its body. It was still hovering and seemed to do so without stress. The hood peeled off slowly first revealing and area of patched surface which was where a head or skull is supposed to be, the hood fell more and this time it dropped off fast as its face was completely revealed and the little light that came from the darkened clouds fell on it. Its face was one that was enough to drive any human insane; even some creatures which are not human lose their minds at the sight of it. There was no nose and no visible mouth just one little hole in the middle and one eye on above the hole. It was completely devoid of hair of any type of protective surface and it tended to suck in all forms of light that fell on it. Trees which were close to where they were dried up and fell when the hood fell and birds dropped from the sky andtree branches. The creature brought down its face and looked straight at Ojoade and Ojoade felt dizzy. Not just dizzy, but he felt as though he was falling straight forward. He felt as thoughhe was falling into the face that was looking at it and the eye was trapping it just like a black hole. The ring around it might be able to stop anything from entering but it did not stop Ojoade from going out of it, Ojoade felt his essence being ripped out of his body unwillingly and he was powerless todo anything. He tried to hold on but he was not strong enough. He tried to get a bolt of thunder but his soul was out of his body already and he saw his body just stand there as a container while he was sucked towards the face of a creature he had come to fear. The creature felt the mortal’s soul leave his body and it knew it worked. That was the point of revealing its face. The mortal will losehimself and fall into his face. It was a sort of feeding but at a distance. Ojoade could feel himself being pulled in a direction he did not want to go. He was been sucked in and there was nothing to hold on to. His body stood there and with no soul to control it, it was basically useless. The space where he had thought would serve as protection too did not help much as he had only thought that the creature would come into attack him. he did not think in the terms that he might be pulled out and made to fightwithout his body He had never practiced anything outside his body so he did not know what to do. He panicked, fear started building within him as he tried to restrain his movement but he could not do it, he needed his body to wield the power available to him and he had been creatively robbed of that source of strength. His thoughts fell to his father and his mother who he had only seen in dreams and even at that, her face was never clear and the thought of how he had failed the little child fell on him and made his thinking heavy as hesubmitted to the power pulling him and death. He was almost at the edge of the protective ring when something pricked him back to life. His eyes were closed but he saw the ring itself. It was an endless ban of midst and ghoul. The mist went all around his body and it was smooth as though it was made of a liquid and he felt it all around him. for one last time, he tried to focus his energy to himself and nothing happen but then something surprised him. His imaginations went to moving the ring and he saw the ring change shape in the direction and size he wanted it to change it. He thought of it moving forward and the ring moved. Now he moved it with his mind around him and the same way he would have focus his might to bring a bolt of lightning while he was in his body, he called lightning and the most powerful bolt he had conjured came splitting through the ring and broke whatever was pulling it towards the creature. Immediately, he felt the bond break as the creature moved backwards a bit obviously stunned by the power it was hit with. He saw the creature, expression change a little and it hovered a little above where it was before. Ojoade made to go back into his body but he realized one thing; all around him was power. The lightning he had always conjured came from the sky. From within the clouds but this time it came from the ring around him as though the ring was a sort of reservoir of his might and power. He floated towards his body and stood beside it as he made the ring smaller with his mind and turned it into one thin band around his body. With this, he felt the power a lot more concentrated and something else started forming. He moved back into his body and discovered that he could still control the power but with his mind and not him doing so by trying to focus. He tightened his fist and something formed in his palm and when he looked at it, he saw what it was, Sango’s Ose was there; not physically but made of pure energy and even more energy than the band around him provided. The creature grabbed a hold of the mortal and though to itself “You are mine now. You did not really think you could stand against my power did you? Now it is time to see the horror that the others saw and then I will move to the child” It was dragging the mortal out of the ring the mortal had created and it felt disappointed. It could not understand how someone could be powerful enough to create a pool of energy and not be able to draw anything from it. The pools are supposed to be a form of mobile armory when the owner and pick energy in during a fight but the mortal was not doing that; he was making the fight look, more like a thrashing and he was disappointed. It was hoping for a fight and then out of the ring, a bolt of lightning came and struck the bond he had created to pull the mortal’s soul out and broke it into pieces. Shreds of energy from the bond and littered everywhere as the creature found itself fall back a little. It move a little bit higher and did not understand what was happening. It stood there in disbelief as the soul of the mortal flew back to his body and the ring started getting smaller. At first it thought the ring was losing power but as the mortal entered his body, he realized that the ring was not losing power but the mortal was gathering it together and the mortal’s face started changing. His face retained the qualities ad feature of the mortal but his eyes turned red and he seemed bigger and taller all around him, there was energy so much that it was visible and if a non powerful mortal was around, that person will be able to see phantom images on the form the energy took. The clouds above them grew darker and the wind increased speed while more and more energy gathered around them as in the mortal’s hand a hammer appeared/ a hammer which is known throughout the realms and to every creature. It was a signature of the great god but this mortal in front of him had shown no evidence to suggest that he even served the god, possibly he got the energy from a priest. The creature did not believe that it could be possible. Even the priests of the god don’t produce the hammer out of energy; they carry a wooden one around which has been loaded with thunder but this was a different case. As if the god himself was in its presence but it was not a god, it was a mortal with more power that a mortal should have. It decided to attack the mortal now and kill it once before he had the chance to gather anymore strength to itself as that might mean he would be too powerful to overcome and kill. It flew towards the mortal in all its fury gathering as much of its own energy as it could with just one purpose; killing the mortal. Ojoade held the fully formed hammer in his hands but could not feel its weight in his hands. The hammer was of pure energy and the energy that came with it was so much it made his body weary. Beads of sweat broke on his face and it was light he an object was pushing against his heart but he held on as he saw the creature fly towards him, he lifted the hammer up slightly and suddenly, the surrounding broke into a series of lightning from all over. Each striking the creature as the creature’s direction change and the body hit the ground. Watchout for episode 11
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 09:13:10 +0000

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