TITLE: The Web EPISODE: 15 AUTHOR: Candy She regained - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Web EPISODE: 15 AUTHOR: Candy She regained consciousness a few hours after she was wheeeled into the ER. She was strong enough to realise where she was as soon as she opened her eyes. She had sustained little injury and no heavy bleeding or internal injury, more of shock. The major injury she sustained was a blow to her fore head and a sprain on her left ankle, both bandaged. The car airbag had come in handy, it was a brand new car and not the usual tokunbo. Sitting next to her and holding her hands was Tobi. She was so happy to see him sitting on her bed. Chief Bode Seriki entered the room with Dr Emma who conducted some physicals on her and assured them shes doing very fine. Dear, how are you feeling now? Chief asked, concern written on his face. He was called earlier by one of the matrons who was very familiar with the family. He had rushed down to see his wife, especially when he was informed that his son was also around. He had misunderstood the information to mean both mother and son were in the car. Im a lot better dear, she replied, though still in pain. He moved closer to her bedside and Tobi stood up for him to sit. What beats me though is why you didnt mention the fact that you were coming to the hospital today, Chief told his wife, obviously surprised the accident had occured at the hospital when she was supposed to be behind her dest at the office. Dad, how about we leave the whys and hows out till mum gets better? Tobi said in defence of his mum. Ok, Im not playing the blaming game son, just surprised Tobis blackberry made message sounds and he checked to see his BBM messages. He had put his voice calls on silence to avoid distraction. He checked the pings, they were from Ade, informing him his dads PI was able to trace the threat message to a cafe and it appeared the cafe guy was willing to describe the perpetrator in exchange for protection over his more regular yahoo yahoo customers anfew lines from Bolu, asking him why Dr Emma had called him with such urgency. I was on my way to discuss my trip with you before an emergency brought me here Tobi told his dad, trying to open his US trip conversation, hoping to convince his parents there was no point going Mrs Seriki was scared at the turn the conversation was taking but she couldnt fight it. We can discuss that at the office chief stood up to leave. Someone had to attend to business, I have a 2oclock meeting at the Governors office. Just as he was bidding them goodbue and heading for the door, Dr Emma opened the door. He checked Mrs Serikis condition again and he was impressed, though she had an elevated blood pressure that he beloieved was transient. Facing tobi, he said, Tobi, madam ty is insisting on being discharged and I think its alright as her blood pressure is under control now Who is madam ty? Chief asked Nobody important, Mrs Seriki quickly answered, sitting up fully on the bed. Yes dad, not someone important perse, but she was on her way to see you when she slumped, right outside your office this morning Tobi told him. Infact, she was the emergency that brought me here this morning Chief was surprised at this information and tried to learn as much as possible about this visitor. Who is she? Someone I know? Not sure dad. Shes the mother of Bolu, the corper you like so much a loud chuckle escaped his lips, he enjoyed teasing his dad with Bolu, he liked her a lot and he never hid it. Ha, my Bolu. Good girl he smiled at his sons jibe. Apparently, the mum- Adebim... Tobi was trying to retell bolus story of her mother once living with them but mrs seriki casted him a knowing look. It meant keep quiet and he did, though not before getting his dad more interested in this woman. Where is she? Ill like to see her he said and beckoned his son to follow him. ********************** Mrs seriki sighed in frustration as father and son left her bedside to see madam ty. She thought of yanking off the iv needle stuck to her wrist but she thought against it. Better safe than sorry. She resigned herself to fate, hoping she scared mother and daughter enough earlier. But what with Bolus new found courage? She thought. She smelled trouble and pressed the bell hung on her bed side to summon a nurse. Bolus mum was seated on the visitors chair, ready to go home, when Tobi and chief entered. Bolu was making the bed, even though it wasnt necessary-she never left her bed unmade. Madam ty was shocked to see Chief standing before her, so was Tobi. The last time Adebimpe saw this man was over 25 years back. Bolu had seen him almost everyday, sometimes in the reception, sometimes at the car park and rarely in his office, Tobis office or Mrs Serikis office. Seeong her chairman vistit his mum at the hospital was a big surprise to her. More surprised she was when her mother kneelt down to greet Chief familiarly. E ku ojo meta sir, her mum had greeted Ha, Adebimpe!, chief screamed in surprise. How are you? Are you Bolus mum? I saw something familiar in her when I first met her Yes, shes my daughter sir she said I never knew you had such a grown up daughter...so, how are you now? Im fine, we thank God she answered, looking down at her feet, unable to look him straight in the eye. So, you didnt know I had a baby, she thought within herself and even moved her lips slightly in a hiss. My wife had an accident this morning, on her way out of this hospital-she had a doctors appointment Wow, we didnt know Tobi and Bolu discuSsed her mums health status, the dos and dont s as they prepared to leave. One of the more familiar nurses asked tobi to excuse him. They discussed outside the door and when he entered, his dad was already set to leave. So, you should come by the office tomorrow by 11am so you can tell me why you were looking for me earlier today, Adebimpe To that, chief was greeted by silence from madam ty. She had given up on the chase, couldnt even imagine what she had planned to say to chief if she had met him earlier. She felt weakened by the affluence of her former boss and his wife. Bolu saved the awkward situation by answering chief. Ok sir, well be there, she offered. Tobi saw him off to the car park where his driver waited behind the wheels of his Range Rover. ********************* On his way back to madam tys room, he met them waiting at the reception, all set to go. The nurse had told him earlier his mum would like to see madam ty before she left. He relayed the message to Bolu and her mum. Having learnt not to undermine mrs Seriki, Bolu decided to go with her mum. They quickly climbed back and headed for her room. Just then, Tobis phone rang and he stopped to pick his call. Hello ma madam ty greeted mrs seriki who laid down on the bed, face squeezed as if in serious pain. How are you? Her voice croaked in pain she didnt feel. Fine ma, madam ty said and moved closer to the sick woman. It was chief that told us you were here ma, we thought you left earlier I was leaving when it happened she told them, running her fingers through her lightly bandaged head. I sent for you, she continued. Yes ma, tobi told us bolu said Ok, I will like to apologize for every single threat of mine and all the pains Ive caused you. I want you to know Im in no position to tell you what to do anymore. She managed to sit up as if it was so much effort before she continued. Tobi is indeed your son, Bolus twin she paused for effect Haa, hmmm. Despite the fact that shed heard this before, madam ty was shaking on her feet, unable to shout. Please help me here. Dont tell him, ever. It will break him she pleaded So, he is my twin? Bolu asked, just to confirm Yes dear. She said, flinching in pain. Even though she had heard that before, she knew she had to know how her madam and her friend were able to pull the stunt without her knowledge. For months, she watched Mrs Serikis pregnancy grow bigger when she came visiting at Dr Smarts. Can you please tell me what happened exactly? She asked Mrs Seriki I will, soon as Im fully recovered she said, pleading with her eyes.Just promise you wont tell him I promise you that for Tobis sake, I will not tell him. My joy lies in seeing him happy madam ty said with tears flowing freely from her face. Bolu reminded her of Dr Emmas warning and she wiped her tear stained face with a corner of her wrapper. Next: 10 Likes
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:27:06 +0000

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