TL;DR - Survey #1 ends tonight 11pm! Go vote on a general outline - TopicsExpress


TL;DR - Survey #1 ends tonight 11pm! Go vote on a general outline for the Constitution on Google Moderator. *also, do help us share this page to your friends so that more human beings are informed about whats going on :) 64/320 students! lets get it up to 320 lets gooo* How to take Survey #1 (google/moderator/#16/e=214f79) using Google Moderator: 1. Create an account using your student ID (ex: A0102345) as your name and Yale-NUS College as your location. Please do not make duplicate accounts. Only votes registered under a valid student ID will count. 2. Once your account is created, read the list of sections your classmates have proposed for our Constitution. Upvote (click the check sign) any sections you think we should include in our Constitution and downvote (click the x sign) any sections you think we should omit. 3. If you think were missing an important section, suggest it! Your classmates can then vote upon your suggestion as well. At the forums in Weeks 10 and 11, interested students propose clauses to fill out this table of contents. On Friday, October 31st, you will receive Survey #2, which will ask you to approve the clauses you feel comfortable with. Thank you for helping Yale-NUS create a Constitution! Maggie, Chee Yeow, Evannia, Kei, Tiffany, Jared, and Jolanda The ESC
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 04:44:37 +0000

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