TL:DR - U.S. Ebola concerns could been prevented if handled - TopicsExpress


TL:DR - U.S. Ebola concerns could been prevented if handled properly. Instead, the Democrats continue to screw up while simultaneously dismissing it. Why? Theyre to blame for how its been handled. - - Democrats. Liberals. All of you who supported and continue to support Obama and this administration, help me out. Why would your party think that dismissing the seriousness of a very deadly disease would turn out any differently than it is? When you let infected people youre checking (and some youre not) onto a plane, either your plan was terrible and your leadership is incompetent or letting them onto the plane WAS the plan. Ill assume the first, given your partys track record recently. Approval ratings, not good, guys. Youre starting to look like the GOP in polls. Actually, Democrats are at a 30-year low. YES WE CAN! Change! I think Im starting to agree, six years later. So, lets assume the plan to check everyone for Ebola was a bad idea and it was probably inevitable that it came to the US. What happened in Texas, guys? I had heard on NPR that to stop the chain of transmission, all health workers in Texas have to do is get the people possibly infected by the sick man into isolation before these people show signs of Ebola. This was in regards to how the basic reproduction number was only two. So, essentially, one person would only infect two people on average. Obviously, not a concern, which is probably why the CDC let a nurse treating the ONE PERSON WITH EBOLA on UNITED STATES SOIL onto an airplane. Twice. Ive heard Ebola symptoms can take 21 days to appear, which means that the CDC is probably monitoring the people that were on the flight with that one nurse, huh? What? There were TWO nurses? Ah, well, that doesnt mean they caught- Oh, they did? I see, so because there were probably a lot of nurses dealing with the ONLY Ebola patient in the US and science tells us that the average possible infections from that guy would be two, combined with what NPR said about isolating the possibly infected making an outbreak in the US unlikely, it only makes sense that ALL OF IT WAS A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE. Whats more, they have no idea who was exposed to the flying nurse. Just a guess at around 77 people that could be anywhere. Now, Im not interested in conspiracy theory. Why would anyone plan a US outbreak of Ebola? I mean, anyone can speculate, but are we really going to consider our incumbent democratic leadership as a potential super villain? An Axis of Evil, if you will? No, thats silly. So, the answer to why your party would dismiss something like this is that they are incompetent, bumbling idiots. Its also a great example of a familiar science was obvious posturing that is typically used to defend their arrogance. So, whats next? Well, the CDC is still dragging its feet. Theyre gonna start screening at JFK International. At least around 150 per day. Whats the point? To make you think theyre doing something about it, thats what. Which tells you what a monumental screw up this is. How do I know? In a hospital, it currently can take up to FIVE DAYS to detect Ebola. Theyre gonna do this around the borders, as well, which is the closest thing to stopping illegal immigration were ever going to see from Democrats. Dont worry, liberals, they arent going to close the borders until people are trying to leave. Thats how this works. Obama wouldnt be able to live with himself if he allowed America to infect other countries. In fact, I havent looked if hes said it yet or not, but I bet we had this coming. I wanna point out to any dissenters on this that this outbreak in Africa has infected 20 TIMES more people that what was previously the largest outbreak. In case you wonder what that translates to, in 2000, Ebola hit record numbers at 452. The fatality rate was around 50%. That means around 220 people died from that outbreak. Weve potentially exposed that many people here in the US in the last week. Potentially. Weve got plenty of time with the airports open and Africa still breaking records. Currently, the number of infected is estimated around 9,000, with a fatality rate of over 70%, putting the death toll over 5000. The New York Times and the World Health Organization estimate that the infection rates could reach 10,000 per week in two months, just in time for Christmas. Next up: liberal minded scientists realize that Ebola is a result of climate change based on new discovery that they were originally wrong. We just started plugging in numbers and realized we had no idea what we were talking about until, coincidentally, it became relevant and we thought, hey, I bet science is in Ebola. Sure enough, 99% of scientists agree that, yes, it is.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 06:51:00 +0000

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