TLita Simmons Do you know that the 1914 date came from - TopicsExpress


TLita Simmons Do you know that the 1914 date came from Pyramidology? https://youtube/watch?v=n8Gdv5inwto I share this with a heart full of Love toward you. I am a lover of Jehovah/Yahweh & His truth. Watchtower also got translations for their New World Translation from Johannes Greber (a known Spirit Medium). Play Video The Watchtower & Pyramidology Part 1 of 2 youtube For the first 50 years of its existence (1879-1928) the Watchtower Society (Jehovahs Witnesses) believed and taught as doctrine Pyramidology. This is a fad ... Wednesday Noel Warren 1/21, 9:00am Noel Warren Who are you?Are you a baptized JW? Today Lita Simmons 3:54pm Lita Simmons Hi. No, Im not a baptized JW. I have studied with a jw couple on & off... but I dont know why they cant explain to me: Why, in the Bible, did Jesus NEVER use Gods name (Jehovah/Yahweh)? Noel Warren 4:00pm Noel Warren excuse me? are you sure you have been paying attention on this subject and have you fully researched this?I find it hard to believe that they would fail to explain this to you.No offence is intended ok? Have you ever read the scripture which says I have made your name known to them and to this I bear witness.this was in reference to the people he was talking to in his day,why would Jesus say such a thing as this if he did not mention Jehovahs name to them? Lita Simmons 4:49pm Lita Simmons Yes, I see. But the N.Test still strangely doesnt record Jesus ever using The Name. Something else I also found a bit odd,, why do jws put so little emphasis on being a Jesus witness? N.Test says we shall be Jesus witnesses. Act 1:7-8 ...Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you SHALL BE MY WITNESSES both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. --And, how can jws be so meager in their praise & honor of Jesus when the Bible says in John 5:23... that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. Lita Simmons 5:01pm Lita Simmons In addition, Whos name is the following Scripture talking about? Salvation is found in no other NAME. Today Noel Warren 8:15pm Noel Warren You seem more to me to possibly be apostate so good bye and leave me alone please. Today Lita Simmons 2:37am Lita Simmons Ok. I will leave u alone, if thats what u want. But I told u I;m a Christ-follower, so why would u call me apostate? There is a psychological trick called Labeling strategy... Its name-calling that slaps a negative, easy-to-remember label on a person, group, or idea. And it has worked well if: One rejects a person or idea without weighing the evidence for themselves, but instead, rejects the person or idea based only upon the negative label (e.g. apostate). Plz look up B.I.T.E model. Take care Noel. Choose a sticker or emoticon he following conversation took place between me and a Lita Simmons If I am wrong in my approach to the matter,may someone please correct me. :
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:35:38 +0000

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