TM20140905 TODAYS MESSAGE Oluwamuyiwa Okuseinde : Be - TopicsExpress


TM20140905 TODAYS MESSAGE Oluwamuyiwa Okuseinde : Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). God is not just asking us to be perfect, but we are to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. Similarly, it would have been okay if all that God says to us is that we should be holy. But He raised the bar to the highest possible standards by demanding that we should be holy just as He is holy. In other words, our measuring standard is not in any man or any set of laws, but God Himself. You are required to be holy as he which hath called you is holy (1 Peter 1:15). All this should be understood as a very welcome invitation to be like God and walk this earth as a type of god. This is a very important truth to draw. Remember that exhortation where the Scriptures say, I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High (Psalms 82:6). Jesus equally reminded the Jews about this, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (John 10:34). The charge to be perfect and holy is to help us manifest our divine nature. But make no mistake about it, the standard for those who want to follow God and walk with Him is high. The standard has to be high because it is a higher life we are talking about - a life at the level of the Almighty God. If anyone tells you that the standard is not high, such a person is definitely deceiving you. I counsel you to separate yourself from that person immediately, no matter the level of anointing or whatever he may claim to carry. However, the fact that the Christian standard is high does not mean that it is grievous or burdensome, neither does it mean that it is unattainable. The problem with most of us is that we have already told ourselves ab initio that human beings cannot live righteously. If you cannot be holy as God is holy, the Almighty is smart enough not to mention it to you. If it is impossible to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, God is too purposeful to waste His time demanding the impossible from you. The beautiful part of it all is that God is ever prepared to help us meet up with His requirements. That is one wonderful thing about the God we serve. When He gives you laws, He also gives the power to obey those laws. In order to help us, God simplified everything for us by sending a pattern Son to demonstrate holiness and illustrate the perfection He is talking about. Jesus Christ is holiness personified and perfection illustrated. Strive to live as Jesus lived and you will be home and dry, fulfilling Gods righteous ordinances. God affirmed that He was well pleased with the life that Jesus Christ lived here on earth. No religion has ever spoken ill of the man Jesus. When you put all your energies into living like Jesus lived, you are sure to receive Gods absolute approval and affirmations. ~ FURTHER BIBLE READING - MATTHEW 5:1-48. ~ Exercises. 1. Please give a title to the message you have just read? 2. Did you gain any fresh insight? Please write it down in your journal. 3. What steps would you now take and what would be your prayer points? 4. If you have been blessed by this message, please share it with your friends and loved ones. ~
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:16:34 +0000

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