TM20150121 TODAYS MESSAGE OLUWAMUYIWA OKUSEINDE : For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be paid back according to what he has done while in the body, whether good or evil (2 Corinthians 5:10, NET). For everything you did, every thought and every word, there is pay back time. And guess who is in charge of the pay back? Jesus Christ, the Righteous, the Son of the living God, the risen Lord and Savior of the world. According to my Bible, all of us, every single human being that passed through this earth must stand in front of Christ who will then decide about us. He will decide about the things that we have done during our lives here on earth, and then, each person will receive from God the result of the things that they have done in the body, either good or bad. Friends, be assured that at that time, there will be no avoiding this judgment and there shall be no escape. All categories of people, male and female, young and old, people from all nations, ages and dispensations must present themselves in that day. All MUST APPEAR! Be assured also that there shall be no miscarriage of justice because He that is perfect would be the one sitting on the judgment throne. Christ Himself, being God omnipotent and omniscient will sit upon the great white throne to provide judgment. Each person will get what is justly due to him as a result of those things done while living. Again, be assured that this celestial tribunal will not have room for solicitors and advocates. In any case, who is qualified to advocate before the Sovereign Lord? The only advocate qualified to function there also doubles as the judge. The immediate implication of this is that the saint, indeed anybody who wants to come out clean on the bright side of Christs judgment must diligently labour to be on the Lords side well ahead of judgment time. Just like Jesus counselled, I admonish you to make friend quickly with the one who has power over your life while you are still on the way; lest perhaps the prosecutor deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be cast into prison (see Matthew 5:25). For me, the kindness of God to us is shown in the fact that He has told us well ahead of time that there will be judgment, an examination so to speak. And then, He has given us a comprehensive manual, the Holy Scriptures, giving us very detailed information on how to succeed in the examination. Furthermore, unlike what you will find in any other clime, He gave us express permission to actively draw help from the chief invigilator (the Holy Spirit) and the assisting invigilators (the angels). Above all, He gave us unfettered right, not only to befriend the Chief Examiner, Jesus Christ, but to also make Him our brother. What more should God do for us? If you end up on the wrong side of Gods judgment, you truly qualify to be on your own! ~ FURTHER BIBLE READING - MATTHEW 25:31-46. ~ Exercises. 1. What is your topic for this message? 2. Did you learn any new lesson? Please write it down in your journal. 3. What steps would you now take and what would be your prayer points? 4. If you have been blessed by this message, please share it with your friends and loved ones. ~
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:13:11 +0000

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