TMC BARBARIC CRIMINALITY IN DHUPGURI PROTESTS FORCE TMC POLICE TO FILE FIR TMC LEADERS PROTECT CRIMINALS DHUPGURI CLOSES DOWN IN PROTEST A girl student of class-X has been gang raped and killed brutally at Dhupguri in JalpaiguriDistrict, West Bengal by the Trinamool hoodlums, under the leadership of a TMC councillor on September 01, 2014 at night. There was a dispute between Anil Barman, a resident of Madyapara, Ward No-9 of Dhupguri Municipality and his neighbor regarding payment of rent for a power tiller. As Mr. Barman and his family members are supporters of Left Front, the TMC wanted to punish them. A ‘Salisi sabha’ (Kangaroo court) was called on the direction of local TMC Councilor Mrs. Namita Roy. The meeting was held near the house of a TMC worker Smt. Saraswati Roy. It is learnt that, Mr. Chandrakanta Roy,husband Mrs. Namita Roy, and former TMC Councilor of that Ward and other TMC leaders were present in the meeting. No common people of the locality were present in the said meeting, except 40 to 50 TMC workers. On Monday (September 01, 14) evening, around 8pm, TMC leader Mahidul Islam and a group of TMC goons forcibly entered into the house of Mr. Anil Barman, and he was forced to attend the meeting along with his wife, two daughters and son. They were abused by the TMC workers with with filthy words. The farmer and his wife were beaten up by the TMC workers; even the children were not spared. This was not the end; a fine of Rs.40 thousand was imposed on the family. In that fake ‘Salisi Sava’ the poor farmer had been asked to pay Rs.4 thousand on the spot. They had also warned that they have to leave their house and the village within one month; otherwise they would have to face the consequences.The TMC hoodlums had continued the humiliation of the farmer and his family members up to mid night. The elder daughter of the victim family, a student of class-X, could not tolerate the humiliation of her father, mother, younger sister and brother; and protested against such unlawful activities and barbaric behavior of the TMC workers. As the teenager protested and raised her voice, the TMC leaders were furious and used filthy words towards the teen girl student; shehad been forced to swallow spit from the ground. Afterwards the girl went missing. Her family members tried their best to search for her, but they failed to trace out their daughter. But on the next day, in the morning her half-naked dead body was found near the railway track, about 500 meters away from the place where ‘Salisi Sava’ was held on Monday evening. It is assumed that the TMC miscreants had gang-raped and killed the school girl. In spite of such brutal and barbaric activity of the miscreants, Dhupguri Police Station did not take any action. The Father and maternal uncle tried to lodge FIR in Dhupguri PS, but police was reluctant to take the FIR. In the meantime SFI, DYFI members held demonstrations against such brutal activities; and at last Dhupguri PS was compelled to take FIR against Mr. Chandrakanta Roy, husband of present TMC councilor and other 13 TMC goons. Students and youths had blocked the Dhupguri bus stand for about two hours in protest of the barbaric act of the TMC miscreants. SFI District Secretary Mithun Choudhury has met the SP of Jalpaiguri District, and demanded full inquiry of the incident and punishment of the culprits behind this incident. Debajyoti Das, SFI state secretary has called to organise protestthroughout the state against such activities on September 3 and 4, 2014. SFI district president announced that ‘Kala Dibash’(Black Day) will be observed on 3rd September throughout theJalpaiguri District and ‘Bandh’ in Dhupguri Municipality.AIDWA led by Minati Sen, former MP held protests. The atrocious incidents against women in West Bengal has been on rise ever since TMC has come into the helm of affairs. The state administration protects criminals.The horror of Kamduni and Sunia has once again been repeated in Dhupguri.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:27:40 +0000

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