TN Eagle Forum shared: PLEASE PLEASE CALL and EMAIL. This bill - TopicsExpress


TN Eagle Forum shared: PLEASE PLEASE CALL and EMAIL. This bill will be heard Tuesday in room HHR16 at 3pm. If you can make it to Nashville please attend the hearing. Set up some visits with legislators and top it off with supporting this bill. TREMENDOUS pressure coming out the Haslam office to kill this bill. PLEASE share with your groups. This is our first big bill fight. Lets show em WE THE PEOPLE are awake. Karen ACTION ALERT: Alliance Education Legislation will be discussed in the House Ed. Subcommittee TN. Alliance of TEA Party & Liberty Groups ACTION ALERT: The TN. Alliance Education Legislation regarding U.S. Foundational Documents Education will be debated in the House Education Sub-Committee next week or the week after. Here are the details of this Legislation: HB 1129 by *Hill T ( SB 1266 by *Niceley) Education, Curriculum - As introduced, requires emphasis on American foundational instruments and instruction in American historical achievement. - Amends TCA Title 49. The link to this legislation is here: The link to the Bill Information for HB1129 is here: PLEASE CALL THESE HOUSE EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOW!! Their contact info is below for your convenience. PASS THIS ALONG TO EVERYONE ON YOUR DISTRIBUTION LISTS!! PLEASE NOTE: It has been known that House Education Committee Chairman Rep. Harry Brooks has stated that no Education bills, such as this one, would make it out of his committee. He has stated this about Common Core as well. The State Education department has made it known that they DO NOT WANT citizens or Legislators dictating curriculum. This ARROGANT attitude is exactly why our education system in the entire country, and in Tennessee, is in the dire shape its in currently. The Elites are MUCH TOO KNOWLEGEABLE to allow the common folk to tell them what to do, they know better what is best for OUR CHILDREN. Be aware that this legislation has already passed the Senate in a near unanimous vote and the Governor has pledged to VETO it. But, we have veto proof majorities in both CHAMBERS IF we can convince them to support this common sense Education bill. But it first needs to make it out of Sub-Committee. Who in their right minds can be against educating OUR CHILDREN on the Foundational Documents that created this Great Nation: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The Federalist Papers and the Founding Fathers. It has been suggested that we should question the CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATISM of anyone who opposes this (possibly patriotism?). NOW is the time to turn up the heat on these Sub-Committee members and let them know we DEMAND that this COMMON SENSE Education of OUR CHILDREN be passed and put into formal law. Immediately below is the contact info for these Sub-Committee members. PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL OF YOUR GROUPS AND STRONGLY URGE THEM TO CONTACT THEIR REPS AND THE SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS BELOW NOW and OFTEN: House Education Sub-Committee Members: Chairman: Rep. Mark White: Phone (615) 741-4415 [email protected] Rep. Dawn White: Phone (615) 741-6849 [email protected] Rep. Joe Pitts: Phone (615) 741-2043 [email protected] Rep. Debra Moody: Phone (615) 741-3774 [email protected] Rep. Harold Love, Jr.: Phone (615) 741-3831 [email protected] Rep. Roger Kane: Phone (615) 741-4110 [email protected] Rep. John Forgety: Phone (615) 741-1725 [email protected] Rep. John DeBerry: Phone (615) 741-2239 [email protected] Rep. Harry Brooks: Phone (615) 741-6879 [email protected] If you care to email all of them at once, just copy/paste their email addresses here into your email program: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] As William Wallace stated in the movie BraveHeart: NOW is your chance to make a difference, NOW!! TN. Alliance of TEA Party & Liberty Groups tnatpl@gmail NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE IN !!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 08:25:42 +0000

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