TNA SHOULD STOP THE TACTIC OF TRYING TO DIVERT KENYANS ATTENTION FROM THE CURRENT DEBATE ABOUT HOW AND WHY UHURU KENYATTA WAS SELECTED BY IEBC AND THE LEGITIMACY OF TNA GOVERNMENT. CORD will not judge Kenyans by what their last names are or sound like unless when the situation (very necessarily) dictates so. Very necessary (in that) to thwart governments intention to use the skewed media houses and their agents to shift TNA failures to CORD. It is silly to see TNA form four leavers all over social media picking on how H.E Kalonzo reacted to the question raised by a mureithi. They are refusing to accept that their master, Uhuru Kenyatta have filled Kenyas security docket with incompetent Kiambu villagers who have NO CLUE about security intelligence and whose only qualification to have those jobs is their LAST NAMES hence the security mess. They practice open tribalism in their government. 99.9% of Mr. and Mrs. Kenyattas staff in Statehouse are Kikuyus. They have appointed, awarded contracts, promoted and given jobs to those whose last names sound correct. The national cake is unshared equally with Kikuyu dominated regions getting the biggest chunk. IDPs who have been resettled and or compensated are Kikuyus. They have choked and denied other regions economic independence since 1963. They fight TERRORISM by looking at and profiling Kenyans by their last names. Thats why it was a do or die for the Mt. Kenya elites to have a Kikuyu sworn in as President, whether he won or not - to protect their interests and cover the economic injustices they have meted on Kenyans since independence.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 03:54:48 +0000

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