TNS NEWS>>>> Mirwaiz Addresses Friday Congregation By Phone - TopicsExpress


TNS NEWS>>>> Mirwaiz Addresses Friday Congregation By Phone SRINAGAR: APHC Chairman Mirwaiz who is under house arrest since the past two days was not allowed to offer Friday prayers at historic Jamia Masjid Srinagar. While addressing the huge gathering by telephone, APHC Chairman stressed upon the “international community to take strong notice of bloodshed and oppression of Kashmiris carried out by Indian forces and asked them to divert their attention towards the worsening situation in Jammu and Kashmir.” Mirwaiz said that “International conventions clearly state that no person can be held guilty till he is proven so.” However, he said for the guardians of the name sake democracy in Kashmir, and especially for the Armed forces every Kashmiri individual is guilty untill this proven innocent. He said the government was snatching the very basic human right, the right to live from the people in Kashmir. APHC Chairman noted that that the popular resistance leaders were not allowed to meet their people. He said the guardians of democracy were stomping the civil liberties of Kashmiris under their feet. He said even political, social and religious activities of genuine Kashmiri leadership were being usurped. He appealed the international community to use their influence on state and Indian government to stop their naked aggression against Kashmiris. Mirwaiz made it clear that it seems that for India Kashmir means just holding of territory, adding, lakhs of people residing in the land for them were of no significance. He said till all the army and paramilitary camps were not removed from Kashmir, there is no guarantee for the safety of lives and property of Kashmiris. APHC Chairman said the entire Kashmiri nation stands with the people of Shopian in these times of mourning and suffering. Mirwaiz said soon he along with his other party members would visit Shopian to express solidarity with them. Mirwaiz also shot a letter to the embassies of different countries based in Delhi apprising them about the ongoing bloodshed and gross human rights violations committed by Indian troops in Kashmir. The text of those letters would be made public tomorrow for the press and general public. Meanwhile on the call of APHC Chairman, people from across the valley observed Friday as black days. They tied black bands to their arms and wrists while as they also hoisted black flags on mosques to protest killing of innocents in Shopian. The people also took out peaceful protests in villages and cities. Senior executive leader Agha Syed Hassan led a peaceful protest from Imambara Badgam, Javaid Ahmad Mir along with Ghulam Nabi Zaki, Mohammad Shafi Khan, Hakim Abdul Rashid, Yasmmen Raja, Chowdhary Shaheen and other leaders took out a procession from Jamia Masjid Srinagar, to protest the killings of innocent across Kashmir specially in Shopian by the troops. Meanwhile the APHC spokesman has strongly condemned the house detention of its chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and senior leader Zaffar Akbar Bhat. The Spokesman lashed out at the Govt for not allowing the Mirwaiz and others to offer Friday prayers
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:37:46 +0000

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