TO ALL BAEKHYUN STANS AFTER YOU WILL READ THIS YOULL BE VERY PROUD OF OUR BELOVED BIAS BYUN BAEKHYUN :> ♥♥♥ ----------------------------------------- [NEWS] EXO Baekhyun Is The Entertainment Star Of The Group In 2013 the best music discovery was without a doubt EXO. Its expected that theyll continue to lead in 2014. News of EXO members in dramas and movies are being circulated, and it seems that they will show off their many talents in various categories, just like their senior group Super Junior. So then, who is the entertainment member of the group? While it is true that all 12 members have shown their individual charms and charismas on entertainment TV and radio programs, Baekhyun is the most outstanding member of them all. Baekhyuns words flow like a mighty river. This 20-year old idol star sure knows how to talk. His ever flowing witty banter is his greatest strength. He has the perfect persona of a silly male college student. Baekhyuns wit shines most brightly in MBC Every1s EXOs Showtime. On the show, Baekhyun leads the conversations, and often acts as an MC. He has been dubbed the entertainment chameleon for his ability to adapt to the situation. His great entertainment skill and potential were highlight in the 6th episode, when EXO left on a vacation. Some members left for the market, and the remaining members soon grew bored. At that moment, Baekhyun decided to have an impromptu talk show with D.O. He showed up wearing a bandana and sunglasses, and left his talk show guests speechless with his hosting style. In one instance Tao expressed I ate and slept today, to which Baekhyun responded by making a big deal out of the situation, eliciting much laughter on the show. Not only that, Baekhyun went on to dissect the different faces in EXO. According to his observations, Kai has the darkest face, Tao has a greenish dark face, and Chen looks like a dinosaur. When it came around to Chanyeol, he commented, Chanyeol has fairy ears... like Yoda. Thanks to Baekhyuns quick wit, he is quickly becoming a favorite entertaining idol for EXO fans. On top of that, Baekhyun isnt shy about his adlibs. He said that if he were to propose, he would say, This flower is a johwa (fake). And I jowa (like) you. His play on words doesnt really make sense, but is sure entertaining. The members perceived it as corny, but the viewers loved it. Baekhyun is EXOs entertainment leader, bringing the members together. Baekhyun shows sympathy towards the Chinese members who are still getting accustomed to the Korean entertainment ways. EXO has 4 Chinese members. Speaking in Korean is difficult enough for these members, but they have the added burden of having to be, well, entertaining on this entertainment program. Baekhyun is very mindful of the Chinese members, and takes care of them. Baekhyuns ability to take care of his members on entertainment shows was evident on EXOs Showtime. When Luhan expressed confusion over the word ip soo (lit. enter the water), Baekhyun made up a word poongdongsoo to explain the definition to Luhan. Poongdongsoo is most likely derived from the word poongdong, which is a Korean onomatopoeia for the sound made when one rambunctiously enters the water. Poongdongsoo was subsequently added to the open online Korean dictionary, to the amusement of many fans. Baekhyun also explained everything in detail to Tao, despite Taos immaturity. In doing so, Baekhyun was able to change the awkward perceptions views many have towards the Chinese members into a positive and charming image by helping them adapt to the Korean entertainment world. Baekhyun truly is a gem in the entertainment industry, and is shining more and more brightly with each passing episode. At their debut showcase, Baekhyun had expressed to MC Super Juniors Leeteuk that hed love to appear on a show together. He has shown interest in the entertainment industry. In 2014, we hope that Baekhyuns entertainment influence will grow, and that he will one day become an entertainment MC, just like he wanted on the day of his debut. cr: kpopstarz via Rica ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 11:58:03 +0000

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