TO ALL MY ENGLISH SPEAKING FRIENDS: Barry Bainton started a - TopicsExpress


TO ALL MY ENGLISH SPEAKING FRIENDS: Barry Bainton started a discussion yesterday on Linked-In, under the title: "Who is studying the Anthropology of the Academy?" He suggested the following topic: "Today, in the USA, the whole structure of the academy (Universities and Colleges) is changing. One the most profound challenges is in the social structure of institutions and especially in THEIR TEACHING STAFF. The role of the Adjunct as the core of the faculty who are in direct contact with the students has expanded, while the tenured, permanent faculty is frozen or being reduced relative to the institutions total teacher staffing. This certainly effects anthropology departments directly, but it also in a broader sense, affects the nature and quality of post secondary education and its role in US society.At one time the University was the custodian and nursery of the culture. Its libraries and faculty were the custodians of the ideas, beliefs, values and heritage of the past. Its classrooms the womb and nursery of the future generation and continuity of the traditions.Today, in the USA there remain a few such institutions, but more and more the post-secondary industry has become a diploma, certification, and vocational training industry carried out for profit (directly or indirectly) employing part-time labor while charging full-time prices. Is there anyone out there who is studying the impact of these changes on western culture from an anthropological perspective?" I answered today with a genuine interest: "Interesting and important topic! Often the regret for ancient structures, modes of action and cultural idiosyncrasies are highly suspect of nostalgia: human beings are naturally reluctant to CHANGE. But in this case the very characteristic underlined by Barry (the mutation of teaching from social vocational responsibility to for-profit industry, often affiliated to highly biased large industrial groups) is not a welcomed evolution of our society. I see it rather as the scoriae of an historical time of industrial societal paradigm, time that seems to be soon obsolete. This fantastic and successful adventure has produced the (possibility of) cheap survival, shelter, comfort and knowledge for all. Now it is time for a new creative paradigm: how will we build a new world that will make this possibility a real human achievement by sharing it, progressively, with all human beings willing to do so? It is a great map for a unique new adventure for humanity, and the drama is that our politicians, all around the world, do not even imagine the wealth of progress hidden in this. They keep crying on the so called "loss of hope for young generations". Are they crazy, blind, stupid or completely dishonest? Hence, in such a context, invading all the level of teaching and education with the overused model of industrial / commercial model of society is as stupid as would be electing a dead deputy for President of the USA! I call all the anthropologists and friends of humanity to participate to this conversation and help drawing the map to this future world and to share and broadcast the topic. We need more and more people, everywhere, to raise their own consciousness of this "Societal Metamorphosis". Thanks Barry!" I wish to share this discussion start-up with all of you, because I think my comment, here above, can also apply to most of the fields (e.g.: politics, economy, finance, religion, gender issues, etc.) that need to be deeply reformed if we want the present "crisis" to end up with something positive, I would deeply appreciate to read your comments, critics and suggestions: we are only able to think on the basis of our own experience, and we do need to share our opinions in order to build a new world that will suit all human beings, no? By the way, I do recommend this Group on Linked-In: "The Anthropology Network" where, until now, we have enjoyed the possibility to have real open debates. A rare thing on Internet!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 17:09:04 +0000

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