TO ALL MY FAMILY,RELATIVES,LOVED ONES,SDG SISTERS, COLLEAGUES, BROTHERS & SISTERS IN THE LORD, AND FB FRIENDS!!! Thank so much for letting Gods love flow through you through your visits, text messages, prayers, financial gifts, flowers, foods, cards, etc. that you gave during my hospital confinement from Friday March 28 to Friday April 4, 2014. Words cannot express how much I appreciate and thank the Lord for all of you! As most of you already know, I was hit by a speeding motorcycle coming from the opposite direction and on the wrong side of the road last Friday, while I was doing my morning exercise routine of riding my bike. The driver was driving so fast when he swerved to my side of the street that I was not able to avoid the motorcycle. The motorcycle driver is an unlicensed seventeen-year old student from a nearby school. The father later narrated that he expressly forbid the boy to drive the motorcycle but the latter disobeyed him by stealing the motorcycle out of their house and driving it. As a result of the accident my bicycle was totaled, my hip was fractured and out of joint (causing me extreme pain even while being driven by ambulance to the hospital), my head had a big gash needing six stitches, and my elbow also had a gash. I was admitted to the Celestino Gallares Hospital, where I was confined since Friday up to last night. My orthopedic surgeon operated on my hip last Tuesday morning. He said he pulled the dislocated joints back into place before putting a stainless metal plate and screws on the fractured bone. I thank the Lord for a successful operation. I know it was because of your prayers. Glory be to God! I had the unique experience of spending my 61st birthday last Sunday in an unlikely venue-The Celestino Gallares Hospital. Despite the discomfort and pain I was experiencing, I had a surprisingly enjoyable birthday! Thanks to all of you! Now I am back home at last though there is still months of physical therapy ahead to help my left hip, thigh, leg and foot adjust to the stainless steel plate implanted on my fractured hip and restore my lower body parts to complete functioning. There were many things that the Lord impressed upon me during my hospital stay.1) God is sovereign and is in total control of everything. My role is to submit to Him and to trust His wisdom. 2) God is a forgiving God and as His child, I must forgive, which I did, the driver of the motorcycle. Unforgiveness is a luxury that I and all of us cannot afford. Hatred is like acid that corrodes our very soul and makes us bitter inside and ugly outside. Since I am a recipient of Gods unconditional forgiveness, I must forgive. Oh, how freeing it feels to do it! 3) God is a loving, compassionate, kind and generous God. He works through people like you to show this to a needy and suffering child like me. How many times have I been deeply moved to tears by many of you who went the extra mile by giving, praying, texting and taking the time to visit despite your busy schedules. God knows each of you and His rewards are great. He said that if anyone gives even a cup of water to His children he will not lose his reward(Mat.10:42) and he who gives to the poor(person in need) will lack nothing. (Prov.28:27) 4) God owns my body and He can do whatever He wants with it. I have since offered my body and my entire self to Him when I received the Lord Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior on October 6, 1972. I have been doing my part in keeping my body fit but since we live in a broken and sinful world, diseases and accidents happen. So if He wants me to go through life with a stainless steel plate and screws in left hip, I am all for it! I know He will give me the grace through it all. 5) God commands us to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for us in Christ Jesus.(1 Thes.5:18) How easy it is for me to thank God for the good times. But how infinitely challenging it is to give thanks to Him during the difficult times. But, since He commanded it then I must obey, not grudgingly, but trustingly like a little child. So Lord, I thank you for my accident. You are infinitely wise and loving to me. You have my good in mind when you allowed it to happen. Thank you Abba, Father! 6) God promises that He works all things for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). I dont see the complete picture yet, but I know that the Lord is working in my life according to His perfect plan. I know that in the immediate future, I can then look back and see how everything fit perfectly in His tapestry of my life. Thank you in advance Lord for what the final picture will look! I love you. Thank you for loving me first. Thank you for surrounding me with loving, caring, gracious, kind and generous people like the ones reading this! Please bless them more in every way and please strengthen the love that binds us to you and to each other!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 04:33:31 +0000

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