TO ALL MY FB FRIENDS WHO LISTEN TO INTERNET RADIO AS I DO, TO HEAR OUR FAVORITE OLDIE SONGS, THUS, KEEPING OUR MUSIC ALIVE!!... AND TO ALL ARTISTS WHO STILL HAVE YOUR MUSIC PLAYED ON INTERNET RADIO, THIS COULD DIRECTLY AFFECT YOU ON WHETHER YOUR MUSIC WILL CONTINUE TO BE PLAYED, OR FORGOTTEN!! Below is an explanation, on whats about to happen by this time next year due to GREED by the higher-ups imposing new monetary rules that private owned radio station owners wont be able to afford, unless we all band together to help fight in keeping our stations and music from being pulled from internet radio, and LOST FOREVER!!! In the up coming months ahead I will be posting updates and hopefully petitions to be signed, and links for emails asking to help keep our music alive, and our favorite internet radio stations up and running...Thank you!!!........From the desk of Brian West, CEO/owner of Boston Internet Radio... Good Morning Everyone. I am posting here kind of a long explanation of WILL INTERNET RADIO small Broadcasters be on the air this time next year, and why we are asking for your help in and around Mid January of this year. The plain fact is if we do not succeed Boston Internet Radio and hundreds of other broadcasters will be signing off the air for good by December 2015 not to return after that !!! Please read the post and let us know if you will help when the time comes this month. Recording Artists Take a special note along with Indie artist !!!! This is so important to you and you have to really get on board !! This could mean for many of you if the broadcasters playing your music go silent so dose your music !!!!! Re: Copyright Law Changes for 2015 and 2016 « Reply #1 on: December 31, 2014, 07:39:26 AM » The following was posted on a recent Facebook page. It has some redundant information but may add some points not already covered. Let me give you a little bit of history as I understand it and please excuse the length of this post. If you dont have time to read the entire post please read the last paragraph because it impacts your future in 2016. Here in the U.S. SoundExchange administers the fees paid to artists for the plays they receive on Internet Radio. SoundExchange doesnt make their rules and policies, they simply administer the laws passed by the lawmakers and policy makers in this great country. Most of their fee structure charges a small fraction per EACH listener who tunes into EACH song (performance-based fee.) If you work the math, even 25 listeners listening to 10 songs per hour times 24 x 7 x 30 x .0008, or whatever is the correct fee, adds up in a hurry. However, several pioneers in this business (folks like Loudcity and Spacial Audio and many others Im sure) worked with the lawmakers to get the Micro, and Small Webcasters and Small PurePlay agreements in place. These allow smaller broadcasters to operate under a revenue based fee rather than a per performance based fee. This fee structure has made it possible for smaller broadcasters to afford to broadcast. Now looking to 2015. StreamLicensing operated under the Small PurePlay agreement in 2014 which allowed us a maximum of 10 million ATH per month. We were running right up against 10 million. The Small PurePlay agreement expires at midnight December 31, 2014. My attorney and I have exhausted all means to find a way around this problem. No way exists. The only thing left for StreamLicensing is to operate under the Small Webcasters Agreement which has a monthly maximum cap of 5 million ATH. So clearly the choices I had were a) to dump 5 million ATH by turning my largest Affiliates out into the cold or b) to make arrangements with another company to take those I MUST lose so all still have an affordable home. Neither choice is one I would voluntarily choose. Ive chose choice b. PRONETLicensing is not owned by me and legally cant be. It is a totally separate entity operated by Kathy Allen. PRONETLicensing is renting my StreamLicensing software and our support team has an agreement to provide technical support to PRONETLicensing clients. So, while I have no control over business decisions, policies or such there, your technical experience will be about the same as you experience at StreamLicensing. At this point, after the dust settles on January 1, both StreamLicensing and PRONETLicensing should have plenty of room for SMALLER accounts needing blanket royalty coverage. Now for 2016. This is where we all face a common problem. My attorney informs me that none of the (SoundExchange) proposed agreements have any provision for smaller broadcasters (i.e. nothing similar to Micro, Small or Small Pureplay.) This means that the fees we face in 2016 will be performance based (number of listeners per song X .0008 or whatever multiplier is agreed,) I hope we can all unite to change this and essentially save Internet Radio for Small Webcasters. More in a couple of weeks when I catch up from the changes that must be made for 2015. Thanks for taking time to read this, and to you who have been or are StreamLicensing Affiliates, a special thanks for your support and trust over the years.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:46:28 +0000

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