TO ALL MY FB MOTHERS & FATHERS- THAT HAVE TO STEP INTO THE PLACE OF AN ABSENT MOTHER: No one likes a Sad Mommy, Mean Mommy, Scary Mommy, Distant Mommy, Withdrawn Mommy, Distracted Mommy, Overwhelmed Mommy, Angry Mommy, Resentful Mommy, and Anxious Mommy…Including YOU! These are real emotions mothers like you and I feel everyday. It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand new mom, a professional mom of multiples, a mom of toddlers (or stair steps), a mom of teenagers, an empty nester mom, married mom, single mom or a teenage mom who got to receive her cape slightly early. All of us at some point in our parenting have felt or are feeling these same emotions. Many times we keep everything inside never sharing it with our spouses, family members, friends…. anyone. Why? I’m a Mom, I’m supposed to be strong, don’t let them see you sweat, do everything…. and look cute doing it! NOT! If I can be very transparent, there are some days even I don’t feel so great, I’m still learning to be the best Mother I can be. I have my moments of frustration and impatience, hold my children to unfair standards of perfection, and some days I totally miss the mark. You are not alone in your feelings! Mother’s everywhere are waking up every morning putting on their Super Mom cape and attempting to juggle way more than we can handle. Since the beginning of time women have been known to be the picture of strength. So my hope for us on Mother’s Day is to be Happy Mommy, Patient Mommy, Fulfilled Mommy, Attentive Mommy, Present Mommy, Balanced Mommy, Loving Mommy, Understanding Mommy, Supportive Mommy, Relaxed Mommy, and Ambitious Mommy…. everybody likes her…. including YOU! Enjoy this day appointed specially for us. Happy Mother’s Day! me and countless others. May this day be as special as you all are! :-)
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 19:13:49 +0000

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