TO ALL PHILHELLENES AND PEOPLE OF JUSTICE! We live in a very - TopicsExpress


TO ALL PHILHELLENES AND PEOPLE OF JUSTICE! We live in a very unusual time in Human History. The words we use in everyday dialect have lost their original meaning. We try to built logical constructions but the building materials upon which logic is predicated are failing us. We still possess the imagination, but everything we conceive to build does not last long, resulting in a collapse of meaning-- a chaos of confusion born from a lack of confidence in our perception of Truth. To communicate between us we need language skills, the more precise the skills the easier to transfer our thoughts. Back in Ancient Greece, Socrates was the first philosopher who gave each word a mathematical precision. Using this precision he developed his dialectic method to extract the truth in every argument. We owe a lot to the Ancient Greek philosophers, scientist, astronomers, writers, medicine men, politicians, artists, mathematicians. The motivation of those ancient people was the god Eros. Love and Eros and Nature were in harmony. They were a curious people who thirsted for knowledge. If there was something so sacred to them above all, it was the uncompromised love for their FREEDOM. It was this love for freedom that united the Ancient Greek people. The civilization they left behind has not been surpassed yet, nor has it been forgotten. We, as global citizens, are like a tree with our roots still tethered to Greece. If we sever those roots and relinquish what we inherited from the Ancient Greeks we will, in turn, lose what makes us definitively civilized. And yet nowadays the children of those great people are struggling through difficult times. The Nobel Price German poet Gunter Grass wrote about Greece with his poem ‘Europe’s Shame’, published on Süddeutsche Zeitung: Europe’s shame Close to chaos, because the market is not just, you’re far away from the country which was your cradle. What was searched and found with one’s soul, is now considered to be as worthless as scrap metal. As a debtor put naked on the pillory, a country about which you used to say you were grateful, suffers. Poverty doomed country whose maintained wealth adorns museums of the loot you kept. Those [World War II German nazi occupation soldiers] who hit the country, blessed with islands, with the force of arms wore both uniforms and [books of German poet, inspired by ancient Greek poetry] Hölderlin in their knapsacks. Barely tolerated country whose colonels were once tolerated by you as an alliance partner. Country which lost its rights, whose belt is tightened and tightened again by the cocksurely powerful. Antigone defying you wearing black and all over the country, the people whose guest you have been wear mourning clothes. However, outside the country, the Croesus resembling followers have hoarded all what glitters like gold in your vaults. Booze at last, drink! [European] Commissioners’ cheerleaders shout. However, Socrates gives you back the [hemlock poison] cup full to the brim. Curse you as a chorus, which is characteristic of you, will the gods, whose Mount Olympus you want to steal. You’ll waste away mindlessly without the country, whose mind invented you, Europe. We, the Ethnic Greeks (Hellenes) we call upon all philellines (those people who love Hellenes) to help us in our effort to present the real picture of modern Greece, and not that one the controlled media presents. We would like to point out that the ordinary Greek people are not lazy. As a matter of fact they work comparable if not longer hours than the ordinary German worker. It is true that our politicians are corrupt, just as it is true that their corruption is related to to those who lend the money to us. All we ask for is the opportunity to live with dignity and that we may be given the chance to correct the wrongs done.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:20:05 +0000

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