TO ALL TEA ENTHUSIAST/PEOPLE WITH TIME/PEOPLE WITH IDEA: Although I did not/probably wont get the support requested for the creation of a tea club at Concordia University, I decided to get the ground work done nonetheless. Thus, I present to you (who are interested enough continue reading): The draft (in making) of the [INSERT TEA CLUBS NAME] : Jokes, this is the real deal :P : And the following is the proposal (in making) that has to be submitted: As many can tell, there are a lot of info is missing. Indeed, a constitution cannot be/should not be written in a day, let alone by a single person. :) I beg the bored people amongst you to please offer your time, experience and wits to debate the contents of previous documents, the purpose and the name of the club. (And elect a leader or 10 amongst you for said club) Some of you might find it awkward to add strangers as friends or give out telephone numbers/skype user names for a lesser debate, and I, being technologically incompetent, couldnt make an IRC channel, so here is the next best thing: Scroll down/ Ctrl + F for TEA ROOM Password is 42 Here are the deadlines for this club creation process: (Assuming the Sept 15 deadline for online club registration applies for new clubs) Finish the Debates : ... Never? (aka until the chat room closes) Finish the Proposal and/or Constitution: August 25 is~ Petition (50 signatures): Discover Concordia orientation sessions for undergraduates starts the 20th of August. Unless illegal, print the petition paper by then and farm signatures. Should have 50 easily by September 3. Approval of Constitution by the Space and Administration Committee: Within the week Meeting of the Council of Representatives for ratification: 2nd Wednesday of September, at 6 p.m (aka September 10) Thank you for your attention (and future aid), Have a good day. :)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:41:31 +0000

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