TO ALL THE CANDIDATES IN THE SEARCH OF MR. FAFFU POGI OF THE YEAR 2014: There are 13 among you candidates who will compete to vie for the title of Mr. FAFFU “POGI” of the year and one among you will be the lucky winner. We will be conducting an interview in the form of Question and Answer portion as part of this contest to be answered by each and every one of you and your answers to these questions will be evaluated by our Panel of Judges. You will be given a score of up to 100 percent which is equivalent to 100 likes depending on your answers to the questions. These points will be added to the total number of votes/likes that you gathered from your friends and relatives based on the first and second criteria. Let me inform you that we have three (3) criteria in determining the winner of this contest. The first criteria will be the total number of votes you will get from your friends for their like on your entries that we posted on the wall. The second criteria will be the total number of votes from your friends who tendered their likes on your answers to the Q and A portion of this contest. The third criteria will depend on the score/points to be given out to you our Judges after evaluating all your answers on the questions given. The total scores/points or the number of likes that you will obtained from the 3 criteria mentioned above will be tabulated all together and whoever got the most highest number of likes at the end of the contest will be proclaimed winner and will have a chance to get the title and have the honor to become the Mr. FAFFU “POGI” of the Year 2014. After you have answered all the questions, here is how you are going to submit your answers. Highlight all the questions and copy, then cut and paste it on the wall with your corresponding answers on the extreme right column of each and every question asked. Read well and follow the instructions carefully as this may lead to your disqualification. Now here are the Questions: 1. How long have you been in the world of Face book? 2. How did you become a member of this group and how long have you been a member here? 3. What made you decide to join us and what is your purpose in joining this group? 4. Were you a member of any other group before you joined us? If so, what are the names of those groups and how long have you been a member there? 5. How do you compare our group with those groups which you are a member at present? 6. Have you encountered any problem/s whatsoever with those groups since you joined them? If so, what are those problems? 7. Have you become an Admin in any of the group wherein you are a member at present? If so, what is the name of the group that you are presently administering? 8. How did you find your stay with our group now? What can you say about the Admin as well as the members of our group? 9. What message would you like to bring to our group? In connection with the competition now..... 10. What made you decide to join this contest? Did you voluntarily intend to participate all by yourself or did somebody convince you to join this contest? 11. How does it feel to be one of the candidates in the search of Mr. FAFFU POGI of the year? 12. Are you confident that you will be wining this contest and what made you say so? 13. If and when you’re going to win this contest, what are your plans for yourself and for the group as well? 14. If you win this contest, aside from being the Mr. FAFFU of the Year, you will also be automatically promoted to the Admin position. Being an Admin of this group, what can you share or contribute to our group? That’s all and if you are ready, you may now answer them properly. Good luck Gentlemen and May the Best Man win!!! THE FLOOR IS NOW OPEN FOR VOTING and TENDERING OF LIKES STARTS NOW!!!!!..... Creator/founder: BOY JAVIER
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:08:15 +0000

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