TO ALL XS IN THE WORLD... PASTS, PRESENTS, FUTURES, NOTHINGS OR SOMETHINGS!!! (never bare your heart & soul... you leave it so vulnerable and open for rude awakenings and chaos! Cage that shit! Trust is a beautiful idea... but an illusion im more than so very sorry to say) If you do... get ready for literally not 1 but countless bombs, the only kind that no one on earth knows quite how to take because there is no preparing for... no defense... only destructive damage that leaves your soul cold to the world around you... and a heart of ridged stone. If your still good inside yourself, thats most important... dont ever let unless your absolutely without a doubt %100 sure about a person inside come in. They can fool, and they can blind you. Taking what little is left of the goodness in your heart, soul, mind, and even body... yes believe it or not the inside hurting can kill you from the inside out. and destroy it all when done one to many times... your lost. Then good luck finding yourself once the damage is done. any physical damage be it fist fighting, or an accident... trust me... stitches, broken bones, even life altering physical damage is nothing... a pin prick.... compared to the devastation that can be done to the soul. The soul is the last thing to go, because it hurts your mind first (believing its happening) immediately followed by your heart (what blows you back like a cannon when realization sets in) then your soul (the stand still... because like shock and awe your soul... not nerves... your soul is the seed, the root, the most basic part of who you are)... and whos that? Deeper than DNA is lodged in your genes and says everything about who you physically are, something much more mysterious, something much more beautiful, and its just so awesomely unbelievably exquisite.... its your personality. If one changes (soul/personality) the other comes with it. The downside... if you dont acknowledge it, and protect this most precious piece of you... its easily tainted, broken, or forever destroyed if not cherished. So be careful what parts of you are left vulnerable... you just might lose yourself in the making.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:56:18 +0000

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