TO AMERICA! Based on the chaos of 2014 ,I believe that our - TopicsExpress


TO AMERICA! Based on the chaos of 2014 ,I believe that our struggle should be for institutional change nationally based on a serious review at the highest level of police use of deadly force. Not to confront the police but to work with them. We must maintain a high level of trust with our police. Locally most of us trust the police. Lets not let national events destroy that relationship . In one city the police blame the death of officers on the leadership and participants in the national protest against police brutality. In many cities citizens accuse the police of wrongful use of deadly force. What can we do to help each other in this effort ? Consider sharing these thoughts and joining the Facebook group Why Wait for Chaos?- Terry Bankert 12/21/14 MY OMBUDSMANS AND ACTIVISTS RECOMMENDED ACTIONS FOR COMMUNITIES NOT INVOLVED IN THE CHAOS SURROUNDING PERCEIVED POLICE BRUTALITY. WHY WAIT FOR THE CHAOS? Based on a Michigan Citizen article By Attorney Terry Bankert and Sam Riddle, J.D. 12/14 My sense of civic responsibility compels me to speak up on Americas recent high profile events of police using deadly force on its citizens. With the background of one of the few , though 20 years ago, municipal Ombudsman that investigated police brutality my perspective is unique. Recently I have partnered with “The Michigan Citizen” and co-authored with activist Sam Riddle to broaden the reach of the statement I now share with you. If your State Police, County Sheriff, Township Police and Municipal Police are not now embroiled in police use of deadly force issues like various parts of our country are ,why not now review your deadly force policy with your communities? Why wait for chaos? “What should responsible citizens do in the future to voice their objections to what may be a wrongful use of police deadly force? Beyond the “protest” on the street, immediately take your demand for police accountability to the president, the Congress and appropriate local units of government. Enough is enough. Multiple instances of excessive police use of deadly force has created a firestorm of protest, debate and violence with no clearly delineated policy on employment of deadly force by police. Now is the time to act. The police receive federal funds and even militarization gear from our federal government and should be compelled to submit to new law enforcement accountability per federal legislation or executive order. When the police kill, we need federal intervention/legislation to do the following: I. National Local prosecutors will not make the decision to charge a police officer who kills any citizen — a U.S. attorney does; State courts will no longer hear these cases — a federal panel will; A Department of Justice investigation is required with a short deadline in all instances when police use deadly force; A national ombudsman is appointed to review and comment on federal compliance with these requirements. Later, to create local change, take the issue to the City Council chambers (or its equivalent such as a county commission for a sheriff, depending on the police force.) II. Local Demand that there be a written policy statement on the use of deadly force for each local police department. A well-written policy on use of deadly force that enables citizens to measure police actions when deadly force is employed. Demand to know what the current guidelines for use of deadly force is and examine written guidelines if any exist. Demand criterion for use of deadly force with a factually specific report to the legislative body overseeing the department whenever police kill a citizen. Demand an annual public hearing on that policy wherein the Police Department demonstrates to citizens it has an effective policy and training on proper use of deadly force that it enforces throughout its ranks III. Theoretical Shift Imagine if you will that police excessive use of #deadlyforce is not a Criminal Justice problem it is a Public Adminustration problem. What are the implications? If it is public administration , then it is driven by public policy and the responsibility falls to #policechiefs, #citycouncil people and #mayors not #prosecutors . The public should hold these elected officials accountable when deadly force is inappropriate . Imagine the impact if every city council in America was asked to demand that the local use of deadly force policy was produced and debated ! Why wait for chaos ? #whywaitforchaos IV. What you can do! Understand that we need our police that do place their lives on the line 24/7. You must work with your police department in a respectful manner to successfully implement these life saving measures and respect is a two-way street. Attorney Terry Bankert is a former Flint, Mich., municipal ombudsman who investigated police brutality claims. Sam Riddle, J.D. is political director of National Action Network Michigan Chapter, . I would like to continue this discussion with you and our communities. Respectfully Terry R. Bankert J.D. 1000 Beach St. Flint MI 48503 810-235-1970 terry@attorneybankert See the Facebook group Why Wait For Chaos ?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:14:19 +0000

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