TO ANY INTERESTED PARTIES IN LOS ANGELES: A Message From Barry Schoenfeld Founder of CalComMen Thanks so much to the admins of LARF for your kind invitation to FAELA members to join you at your Vision Circle last Monday. We were thrilled to be included, and I was happy to attend, and to meet all of the LARF men who attended. I was very saddened, however, that no one from LARF showed up for tonights CalComMen Heart Circle, and the LARF FB admins chose not to even post the invitation on your we do on almost 200 other FB pages. (I would have posted it myself on the LARF FB page, but I am not allowed to, for reasons unknown to me.) If we are to EVER realize our our mutual hopes of working together as one strong Los Angeles community, united behind common consciousness and values, with the combined power to effect real change in our society, we must be willing to put the past behind us once and for all, forego petty differences, and at least SHOW UP at an event or two of each others organizations for starters! Maybe then well actually learn something from each other (I did)..or.maybe then well meet someone with something to teach us (I did)? Or maybe then well actually find out that even though we may look different on the outside, be in a different age group, live a different lifestyle, and give ourselves different labels, were not that much different on the inside at all where it really counts...and that we all want the same change in this screwed up world (I do). For more info on CalComMen events, workshops, Gatherettes and Gatherings (that we call Community Camp), just send your name & email to Info@CalComnMen. Emails are NEVER sold, bartered, rented or traded. PLEASE FORWARD & RE-POST THIS
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:38:55 +0000

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