TO: Brothers and sisters RE: Matins Share FROM: LINCOLN - TopicsExpress


TO: Brothers and sisters RE: Matins Share FROM: LINCOLN LIN On the morning of July 26, 2013, I participated in Priest Li Juan’s prayer from 5 to 7. Before she arrived, I whispered God’s name 12 times, and mumbled 84 phrases praising God. Finally, I prayed that the Fire of the Holy Spirit would purify my mind, so everything I do will please God. Oh, help me, my Lord. Tears fell from my eyes as I felt God’s love. During the morning prayer, I saw the red roses. Later, the priest told us the Holy Spirit will give us the roses. God’s grace surprised me this morning, AMEN. P.S. Red Rose represents the love of Jesus On the morning of Aug 09, 2013, I participated in Priest Li Juan’s prayer from 5 to 7. Playing in the Priest Li Juan’s prayer telling them when we read the Bible side, please Holy Spirit to lead us to identify words, close your eyes, let us look at the screen image. For example, The Lord is my salvation, I did not bring the Bible, I will be back just cry out the name of the Lord Jesus Lord is my salvation Matthew 1- 21…, mumbled and back out 12 calling on Gods name, and then has cried unto the LORD, and soon will see a bright golden heart contractile activity like drawing pictures, shining, but I do not know what does it mean, I went home to tell my wife, and she said that I may have imagine it . Today in 2013 Aug 11 evening worship pastor,we went to attend Ivan Chu, when we talked about the first two major items: The theme of the stony heart becomes a heart of flesh. Holy Spirits indwelling (BIBLE Ezekiel 36:26-27): 26: A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27: And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. Sunday Worship finished, thank Pastor Ivan Chu, thought the answer finally came three days, I recall seeing bright golden heart activity, it was joy, promised the Holy Spirit gives new heart to me, thank you, praise you, AMEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: Brothers and sisters RE: Accompanied China Pastor Touring Taiwan FROM: LINCOLN LIN August 2013 10,17,18,19,20 thoughts sightseeing with China pastor: it is an honor to accompany him and to understand the various obstacles mainland evangelism face. On this trip, we went to Taipei Christ Home church Sunday worship by pastor Kou Shao En, as pastor Kou know mainland pastor very well, so I benefitedrom their conversations (he is my friend on FACEBOOK). Last time, I asked him on the subject of hosted the Good News radio, titled “Power”. He encouraged brothers and sisters to read more the Word of God in the Bible. He referred to the book of Luke Chapter 1:37 {For no word from God will ever fail} Many people only read the Word of God, but do not have the power, It was because they do not understand. In the Bible, gospel of John said we must have the Holy Spirit in our hearts in orders to have “power”, both are important! That evening I had a dream. The Holy Spirit told me he wanted to give me the power, and asked me to become a chosen vessel, and had a covenant with me, showing me two brightly colored V-shaped rainbow expansion, but I do not know the Gospel of John Chapter first few sections, he opened the Bible tells me is John Chapter 16, verse 13, let me know is the Spirit of truth, AMEN. feeling this week the air filled with the Spirit of grace, great ! AMEN .. AMEN. Also worthy of mentioning is that I was able to participate in Nangang Exhibition Hall, “ Lin Youth Night”. Thanks to GOOD TV executive (brother Tseng) give me a special reserved seat in the middle of the first row with someone to lead the way, it is something that money can not buy . In Jeremy Lin speech, I was most impressed with the last paragraph “ he did not want to pursue like before Linsanity fame, etc., he just want to be able to serve the Lord, you get freedom, AMEN.” There is also another worthy of mentioning: I was able to accompanied GOOD TV and GOOD TV media in spreading the gospel to many places of China through using a satellite receiver and indoor small satellite antennas. Able to overcome frequency unstability and see movie introduction. In the meeting ,I also recommend GOOD TV station to cooperate with Good News Broadcasting Association , because I often listen to Good News Broadcasting Association radio program and it is very good, as Good News Broadcasting Association can only be receive an Taipei and Ilan 2 and if we can use GOOD TV satellite system to convey to the world of Gods grace.God’s grace will light up the world. This is not for profit, GOOD TV vice president MR. Yu said he would consider it. Although this long trip with China Pastor has cause me to lose some business, but with Gods grace I am satisfied, thank the Lord, AMEN. Praise to the Lord Almighty for over 12,800 people browsed my testimonies , Amen. Bible Acts 2-47: Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Despite all obstacles, God should not be taken lightly, give glory to the Lord, AMEN. When I experienced adversities, Gods will directed me. 1. Internet access(Please visit the web site): youtube/watch?v=lxn3gnkw98k& The Lord, O My Soul) (Silent Night) After playing prayer on the piano, I called God’s name. (The Best Blessing in This Life) After playing prayer on the piano, I praised God ! ( Magic Vision Sharing ) 2. This Web site can be reached via the following path: built altars the sacrifice -> (BUILDING ALTARS AND OFFERINGS) -> (other) in column 3. I would like to share witnesses, experiences, visions, dreams, sufficient grace and healing given by God. Let us bring glory to God. Bible Galatians 5-10: I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. Matthew 7-21: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Proverbs 28-9: He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. AMEN.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:50:31 +0000

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