TO DR. MAC- THE PARL. REP OF THE ROSEAU VALLEY. WE WANT BETTER REPRESENTATION THIS TERM Now that the “billboard representation” is over, it is time for action. It is time for the Roseau Valley to reach its fullest potentials. Now is not the time for drawing plans. Now is the time for execution of plans and to enjoy real and genuine development in the Roseau Valley. The fun, lies and bribery of the elections campaign are over. Now is the time for action in the Valley. We shall be holding our Parl. Rep to account and to provide us with better representation this term. During the elections campaign, we warned the people that the Valley has not been getting proper representation, nevertheless the people responded to the forces of the immediate dollar and other gifts of corruption and you were narrowly re-elected. This time around, we demand better and proper representation. Now is the time to use the EC 150,000.00 that the Prime Minister presented to the Trafalgar Village Council in 2009 to build a Community Resource Center. This money is supposedly sitting idle in a bank account for over 6 years ---if in fact it still exists. Give the people of Trafalgar their Community Resource Center as promised so that Ma Knight could have some peace during Fete Ki Che. The people of TR voted overwhelmingly for you. There is no room for disappointment this time. Now is the time to pay serious attention to the playing fields and other sporting facilities in the villages of the Valley. All the playfields are screaming out for attention, especially in Morne Prosper, Cochrane and in Trafalgar, where the field is literally a swamp. We shall hold you accountable for providing lighting and cover for the basketball courts in the Valley. Now is the time for proper health care, clinics that are adequately staffed and equipped in the Valley. We cannot simply depend on teh brother, sister and son of the Parl. Rep to provide us with free health care was boasted during the elections campaign. The Roseau Valley is the prime area for development of the tourism, health and wellness industry in Dominica. Therefore, we look to the development of theh health and wellness Centre in the Roseau Valley. Tell us Sir, (Dr. Mac), are there any plans to reintroduce the aerial tram in Laudat or has this given way to the geothermal project? Please bring us up-to-date with regard to the progress if any on the geothermal exploration project. We no longer wish to remain in the dark. Agriculture is dying around the country but the people of Morne Prosper, whom you thought you were bribing with agricultural inputs and small agricultural tools are continuing to engage in agriculture for their survival. Now that elections are over, please do not forget the young farmers of Morne Prosper. Visit them regularly and continue to support them with the provision of inputs, funding, tools and training. Importantly, the people need to have the main feeder road to their farms all the way through Savanne to Robinson Estate properly surfaced. With regards to our main roads, the people of Cochrane, Wotten Waven and Morne Prosper are waiting patiently for the complete rehabilitation of our roads. The people voted for you and so they await the construction of a new Cochrane road or at least the resurfacing of the existing road with proper drainage. Just before the general elections you handed the Chairman of the Wotten Waven Village Council a cheque of Ec $225,000.00 accordingly for road repairs in the village. We learnt later that the money was to be used for the repair/construction of a small bridge at the entrance of the Village. We need full accounting of these public funds, especially as there are now serious questions about the effective utilization of these funds. Attached for your attention are some pictures of the state of the roads to Wotten Waven and Morne Prosper. Please fix our roads in the Roseau Valley.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:52:05 +0000

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