TO ESTATE / FARM OWNERS RE: CONSULTANCY FOR ORCHARD / FRUIT TREE PLANTATION OR ESTABLISHMENT OF ORHCARD PLANTATION A - READY TO SUPPLY CONSULTANCY ANYWHERE IN MALAWI. B - READY TO ESTABLISH A FRUIT TREE PLANTATION ANYWHERE IN MALAWI. TYPES OF FRUITS Mangoes - Any Variety Citrus - Any Type Bananas - All Varieties Coconut palms + Apples NB - Non-Government Organisations can also apply / ask for services on behalf of smallholders farmers inoder to promote One Village One Product (O.V.O.P). -This can also be a nice retirement for managers. -In india the orchard plantation is a booming buisness -Lets Join hands by producing our own fruits and stop importing. A. CONSULTANCE AREAS UNIT PRICE (Mk) Orchard site - k15,000 Orchard size - k20,000 Variety selection - k25,000 Marking,pitting - k20,000 Compost / manure - k20,000 Planting + spacing - k100,000 Irrigation /watering - k10,000 Orchard Management : prunning / staking,pest + disease controll - k50,000 Marketing - k30,000 Material Presentation - period - 2days. Qoutation - mk 300,000 N.G.Os. - mk30,000 / farmer B. ORCHARD ESTABLISMENT ( mk 500,000 / 0.5Hq) Done - Site Selection selection ( Soils, Topography) -Varieties -Plan + Purpose -Seedling source + transport -Marking,pitting&spacing -Planning + spacing -Care for new orchard -Intercropping / Catchcrop -Marketing PLEASE INDICATE EITHER CONSULTANCY / ESTABLISMENT. FOR CONSULTANCY - IT CAN BE ARRANGED AS A GROUP / INDIVIDUAL IN THE CATCHMENT AREA ( A.S.A.P ) CONTACT - 0992087755 - 0888601415 Whatsapp on - 0884089978 VAST EXPERIENCE + GOOD EDUCATION BACKGROUND AND HANDS ON THE JOB TEAM. ------------------------------ OFF SEASON TOMATO PRODUCTION CONSULTANCY Are you interested to produce tomatoes Commercialy / Domestically using locally made green house structures Lessons can be conducted on Individual / Group basis depending on the catchment area This can be done anywhere in malawi. COURSE CONTENT: -Material source and site. -How to construct a local greenhouse. -Size and Scale of production -Type of seed -Seed Source -Sowing. -Transplanting -Staking -Compost manure making and Application -Tendering and watering. -Weeding -Harvesting -Marketing Period - 2 Days Price - Mk 20,000 / Participant Non-Government Organisations and Agricultural Development Divisions can also endorse for their smallholder farmers. NB: Facilitators Team - Has good knowledge,vast experience with excellent Educational backgroud. Tips Contacts: 0992087755 0888601415 WhatsApp on: 0884089978
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 15:55:13 +0000

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