TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR ALL THAT HE HAS DONE IN THE PAST 49 YEARS. it is my year of JUBILEE. In case someone is still in doubt of the identity of my Father in Heaven He is Jehovah El-Shadai , God of all sufficiency , Jehovah Jireh God my provider, Jehovah Sabboth God my defender, Jehovah Rehoboth God of my Increase and enlargement ,Jehovah Nissi, God my ever present Help, Jehovah God my healer. God the creator of heaven and earth, God the giver of life and the preserver of life, God the omnipotent, The Omnipresent, The omniscience, The Alpha and The Omega ,The beginning and the ending , The self enthroned king that ever existed before the beginning of time commenced and will continue to reign at the expiration of Time. The everlasting God. He is the God who forgives my Sin and iniquity , not only did He forgive me , He also took the consequence and punishment upon Himself on my behalf.The father of light in whom there is no variableness nor any shadows of turning,The God who perform with His hand what His mouth has spoken, The only wise God, The God who divided the Red Sea and brought down the huge wall of Jericho , The God that kill and also brought the dead alive, The God that make the rivers to flow on height and the fountain in the midst of the valley, He turned ocean to dry land and turned desert into a stream,The God whose throne is seated in heaven and the earth His footstool , the God that command manner from heaven in the wilderness of Desert and command birds from the sea,The God that has favoured me with all favours and blessed me with all blessings,The God that round about me with favour as a shield, The God who has given me the power to get wealth an does not add sorrow to it, The God who has made me wealthy in all respect so that I shall be generous on all occasions . The God that subdued all my enemies before my very eyes. The God that answer by fire, The God that has the power over death in His hand and death can not encroach into His domain,The God that stretches the heaven over the earth like a curtain, He is the God that formed the foundation of the earth inside the waters. The God that command the wind and the sea and they obey Him , He knows the end from the beginning .The God that make a way for me where there is no way, The God that open doors of financial breakthrough , spiritual break through, divine appointment for increase , perfect health , discovery for elevation, supernatural opportunity for me that no man can shut and also shut the doors of poverty , failure, sudden death, sickness, disappointment, shame, reproach, disgrace, defeat, for me and my wife and children and all my family and friends and no one can open it again, The God through whose help I scale over all wall of obstacles and by His help I defeated the troops from the enemy of my destiny. My God who do not rely on the sun to be my light by day nor the moon to be my light by Night but who by Himself become my light and His light is my Glory by this ,my stars that has been deemed by the enemy has receive a supernatural brilliant shining light announcing the power and the Glory of God operating in my Life, and has brought kings and queens to my light. The God who took me to a foreign land and made it a set apart for the manifestation of His awesomeness and glory in my life, making me to prosper beyond human imagination. Where my contemporary are fallen short of expectation I receive the divine intervention of God to prevail and succeed . Where men are casting down the grace of God my father is lifting me up . The God that has commanded His divine sweetness into my life subduing every bitterness that had earlier characterised my life thereby bringing all my enemies to shame.The LORD and righteous God who cut asunder the cords of the wicked. The God that confounded and turned back them that hate me. The God that turn my enemies to be like the grass upon the housetops, which withered as they grow up:Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand; nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom. The God that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above that which i can ever ask or think according to the power of resurrection of His Son Jesus that works his redemption in my life and my family.The God whose throne is from everlasting to everlasting the one that hold the sword of fire in His hand. The God that come from Edom with the dye garment of Bosra , The God that is clothed with the garment of flaming fire,.The God whose facade is made of jasper and Sardine stones. the God who declared that wherever the sole of my feet shall touch is my inheritance and has commanded that I should occupy till he comes and No man shall be able to stand before me in opposition. The God who raised His anger against my enemies that as they come in one way He made them flee in Seven ways. The God that did not allow the weapon of my enemies to prosper against me because He has declared it and His word can never fail rather He turned their weapon to become their own adversaries . The God that condemned every tongue that is raised or will ever be raised against me. The God who continually scatter the gathering of my enemies and bring all their nocturnal assembly and deliberation to nothing.The God whose spread cover all creation.The God who has commanded queen and king to take care and surrogate me, and provide breast feed me,The God who constantly supplies ally need according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus,The God kept my gate open continually and direct the abundance of the sea and the wealth of the gentile to me.He has given me a house filled that I did not build, a vineyard full of harvest I did not plant, wells full of water I did not dig. He made me a fountain that come from the house of The Lord to water that thirsty land supplying the need of others.His mountain has began to drop down new wine and hill flow with milk for me and my river flowing with water.He has turned my mourning into joyful dancing and celebration. He has raised me out of the place where I have been sold and has raise the recompense of my enemies upon their own head. The God who has blessed me and enlarged my coast, The Go whose hand is with me and is keeping me from all evil, that it will not grieve me and has taking away all my pains, The God that continually grant my request. He is The God of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob, The I AM THAT I AM, The Mighty God of Israel. The God whose name is above all Name.The Covenant maker and The covenant Keeping God. The Almighty God that has brought me into my land of Jubilee despite all oppositions and has promised to continue to guide, protect and direct me from glory upon glory and my expectation over my life and family shall not be cut short but my path shall continually be like a shining light getting brighter and brighter every day. Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given me as a prey to the teeth of my enemy my soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and I have escaped. My help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth. I bow my kneels and worship you Almighty Father, I spread myself and my entire existence and nakedness before your throne in total submission to your sovereignty as you bring your will to pass in my life and that of my family, I proclaim your awesome power of your Love in my existence and I declare hallow be thy name Jehovah . On all my inadequacies you became adequate for me, In all my mistakes you turn them around for my miracles. What can I offer you except thanksgiving and worship. You alone will I continue to serve and Worship in all adoration because when men say cast down you are the one that keep lifting me up and I appreciate you Lord God Almighty for the gift of life you have given to me and continue to protect. I shall continually be grateful to your Majesty. Thank you my Father Lord in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ my saviour, my power and my great Help. I know my father Jehovah has many Children IF THIS FATHER IS YOUR FATHER ALSO, Type Amen
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:23:29 +0000

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