TO JOANNE DAVID AND HER FRIENDS - I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL Years ago when I had to lead the fight to get the city of Edmonton to provide the same services for people who were mentally somewhat disabled as they were for the physically disabled, I had the same experiences as you are now having with getting form letters back which would all take the same, we are looking into it --- etc, etc. Because, as a turn around specialist, it was always necessary to address and confront the issues, first verbally, and then by letter, preferably registered. I got to the point where I knew what each consecutive politically expedient letter I would get in return so what I eventually did, for efficiency sake, I would automatically pre-write about 3 to 5 response letters to explain why the bureaucratic and political responses I got to my previous letter was not satisfactory. I would then give my executive secretary a standing instruction that as soon as she received the government reply to each one, even if I was not around, she should automatically send out my next response saying that the letter I received was did not satisfactorily deal with the issue I was addressing or confronting. When I wrote my answers I would number my return letters #1, #2, #3, and for sure #4 would go out as a registered letter, with a CC: to another, or to a superior of the person I was getting the run around from. Amazingly, that strategy eventually got humungous results at all governmental levels, federally, provincially and civilly. In the case of the Edmonton Dats situation, I started out with dealing with various aldermen, eg. Cavanaugh then moved it up to cc-ing Jan Reimer and finally Lawrence Décor who at that time was the Mayor of Edmonton. It took about 5 years of constant perseverance, but we finally won, and thereafter Dats added mentally challenged and disabled people to their client base, and that is now a historically imbedded service. So do not give up Joanne David, because their form letters are not meant to actually deal with the confrontations or issues you want resolved, they are generically produced to have no other effect except to wear you down by delay after delay until you give up and get lost. You have to remember that they know that they are dealing with citizens who limited financial resources and citizens who run out of steam and/or time, and they in turn are institutions that are timeless and have a bottomless pit full of government funds at their disposal. There you go, and now that I have made this long posting, which I routinely get chastised for from my facebook friends, I just ask you one more question; how could I have explained this to you with a one-liner on twitter. A half explanation would not adequately cover the topic. Oh, by the way, I once got a $100,000 cheque from the Alberta Government this way when they had previously screwed over corporation that hired me as their HIRED GUN CEO, to obtain justice for them and the only paper work there was, were the words, Government Grant at the top right hand of the cheque. No other documents, but I was told to shut up and not pursue the issue any more. Years later I got $60,000,000 per annum for the Alfalfa Industry in Western Canada from the Federal Government using the same tactics. That one finally came about one night when I was in an Ottawa hotel after we had brought a whole delegation to confront Chrétien and Pippen about how unfairly the Alfalfa Industry in Canada was being treated as compared to the $650,000,000 subsidies that the Grain farmers were getting under the WGTA Western Grain Transportation Act, commonly known as the CROWS NEST SUBSIDY. The Phone call came, at 10:38 Pm from a person on the Agricultural Department who I knew, and his question was, we heard all the dog and pony stuff at the meeting with your delegation today, but, John you tell me in five words or less which you really want to achieve more morning when you meet back with the Member of Parliament, Pippen, again. I answered very simply. We want $60,000,000. The answer he gave me was this, Okay, you go and see MP Pippen tomorrow morning, and he will tell you that he has done an in-depth study of your whole presentations that you made to him yesterday and he will approve the $60 million because they do have the latitude to spend an extra $60 million over and top off the $600 million the day annually provide to the grain industry. That is exactly what happened the next day, but the funny side of that was that I could not even divulge my communications with the balance of the people that were on the entourage to Ottawa, so they all went away clapping their hands thinking that they had done a great presentation. Most of the time its not what you know but whom you know. The two people who phoned me at that time of night, happened to be the chief executive officers of two previous corporations that I had worked for AS A TURNAROUND SPECIALIST AND INTERNATIONAL TRADING SPECIALIST, in the past. One was the former Maple Leaf Multi- Foods President, and the other one was a high level international trading confidant from Continental Grain Incorporated who were subsequently hired by the the Department Of Agriculture in Ottawa. This is no story, these are actual facts, as you know by now, is a turnaround specialist I dont deal with perceptions, I only deal with hard facts, because thats what turnaround specialists live and die on. Now go have a Starbucks. --- And by the way like I said before, I do not work for Starbucks.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:55:45 +0000

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