TO ME ABOUT THE SEDONA PHOTOS Do you think its possible to feel - TopicsExpress


TO ME ABOUT THE SEDONA PHOTOS Do you think its possible to feel Sedona through a picture...or maybe Robert? Looking at the butte picture just floors me. Ive gone back to it several times. It makes my lower 2 chakras vibrate. Right!?! Not my heart or 3rd eye but my womb and vagina !!! Jeez, hahaha.... And the vortex pictures make my eyes go shimmery. I write this, my heart just opened in longing.... Sedona calling? Home? I also felt very affected by that Bhakti post from Robert....then your response... brought up tears. I feel like I have no skin, no container, no defenses....just wide open and amazed. Kerimas last contact with her mother, her moms response to her love, the down pour of cleansing rain, all felt so sweetly sad to me and full of Grace. A softness. Thank you for sharing these personal moments with us. Please give my love to Kerima.... You two are going through quite a cleansing and change. Your life and how youre living it are your greatest teachings to all of us. God, Im in some mood belly is lighted and shimmering. All kinds of vibrant swirling energies in movement as Im writing.... I tell you, Edji, I feel like the Ocean Herself gazing down into my own depths..... What you teach about the limitless array of rooms within us is so true. Energies, sensations, colors, textures, hot, cold, lightedness, darkness, voids, emptiness, fullness, sentience, vibrancy, deadness, .....utter stillness and massive upheaval. Its all here inside me. I am Gaia Herself tonight. Kali Ma. Shakti AND Shiva. Hahaha.... And tonight. for the first time, just being Alive is pure, steady bliss. No ecstasy, no drama, no doubt, no fear ..... just IAM I can feel that it isnt yet complete..... this will fade some eventually, but Im fully in my Heart now...... My heart encompasses .... all. You guided me here, Edji. Im so grateful. I wont stop, I promise. I feel Home is near, very near .... I love you with All my Heart, Edji. I do. Your student, Syndria
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:34:36 +0000

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