TO MY FEDS I like to talk no more long posts. You can take - TopicsExpress


TO MY FEDS I like to talk no more long posts. You can take sleep or break. CAT 3 people reached Boost Post Like · · Share Duchess Theresa Rosales Charlestone - Ayala Posted by Ayala Marcos Charlestone · 12 minutes ago PAHABOL If she is pregnant now, I hear four months not three. The daddy is a ROBIN PADILLA. ROBIN, my ex boyfriend, CONGRATULATIONS. It is a baby girl. CAT 1 person reached Boost Post Like · · Share Duchess Theresa Rosales Charlestone - Ayala Posted by Ayala Marcos Charlestone · 14 minutes ago TO CONGRESS WOMAN LENI GERONA Thank you classmate and batch mate for sharing always my postings to good people. I am liking to be shared now LENI so just make a short write-up about my wall summarized by you on your community pages now. I wish, I can take time now for government talks with you and friendly chats, too. Soon. Thank you and hello to your mother also, cousin in my mommys. Sorry LENI but the rapist of our dear is not NUR MISUARI but a drunk ROBIN PADILLA only so she does not tell. She took drinks also and was drugged not but not really. Her mouth is with just a fungal from his mouth but no STD yet now. OK? I will not name but you know her, too. THERESA 2 people reached Boost Post Like · · Share Duchess Theresa Rosales Charlestone - Ayala Posted by Ayala Marcos Charlestone · about an hour ago TO NUR MISUARI ONLY Starting by any day next year, I will be revamping BDO and PHILTRANCO and seven more big agencies with muslims now. My father, the INTERPOL, KGB, FBI, CIA, knows of your stealings starting here in my Facebook. I am read even in my chatrooms by governments. Please do not get hurt muslims but I just offered my companies to make you decent but you failed me, really. Are you not tired of stealing ever even your kids babies have fat bank accounts, too. I am sorry but the bible says, no lazy. I may close all Philippines. My Japan and China works but Philippines just keep stealing. If you kidnap me or any of my family, it is worse. We will just bomb your small continent not but just island of Malaysia Philippines never Indonesia. I out, angry. PRINCESS 3 people reached Boost Post Like · · Share Duchess Theresa Rosales Charlestone - Ayala Posted by Ayala Marcos Charlestone · 5 hours ago s ago TO LLORIN FAMILY OF BICOL Please wait for my residency as a hospital manager of all hospitals only. DR. THERESA ROSALES, Md. Rn. 2 people reached Boost Post Like · · Share TO DR. ADAM SANDLER Daddy likes to drink, I think wine but cannot yet. You have to remove the meds and drinks with milk and magnessium but he needs Calcibloc no more but just two, like my prescription with a DR. RUFFO LLORIN CLINIC only not the hospital but just clinic prescription. I forgot my meds, my maintenance only. Please send somebody to look at my onemed I like only, I think it startwith a letter S or a C. Just one of that letter is correct, trade name not generic. I threw away my box of pills. They are the best. I told him to prescribe the drug to me, really. I told him a generic name but I forgot. It is the newest cardiac pill since 2010 created by us not your drug, really. Something sounding like a SEFALEXIN or SEFACOR but I forgot the name. It is a brand name . Two words for its generic. You take it once a day only with even a normal BP can be. Just make INTERPOL give you the drug. Check with my witch before giving to daddy. I will confirm tomorrow. You can do it tomorrow morning in Philippines time. The clinic is in RAMAIDA building along ELIAS ANGELES STREET AND VICKY BELO AND ALL DOCTORS Get his prescription forme, a DR. RUFFO LLORIN, he is a good doctor. My friend doctor still. I hope he is reading. GET HIM MOTHER SETON, Nur MIsuari now to be my MEDICAL DIRECTOR forever contract until he dies or not senile. Give him 20 percent higher than current tarrif of us today rate in SETON only. I approve as him and give insurance of no courts ever but I or the hospital will pay or will be courted on his appendix below asignation. HURRY. Heis a zumma cum laude in real but he shames to tell. They give him a first honor he thinks. BUt it is equivalent to a Zumma Cum Laude now grades still now. And to a Dr. BEN FLORENDO If you come to Philipppines by next year. I will wait whole year. I will make you our chief of medicine or the Department of Health or DOH doctor, first or chief rank. I will email for official salary and talks. I love you, MIKE FLORENDO. Sweetheart in screen name in hospitals. I know you since a 1983 from our government hospital now BMC hospital in Naga CIty. I was just a student nurse in CSI. OK? PLEASE WRITE ALL OUR DOCTORS NUR MISUARI AND CONTACTS RIGHT NOW TO READ ME ASAP. JUST PLEASE COPY PASTE ALL I JUST DO NOT LIKE SHARING BEFORE BUT I ALLOW NOW. THANK YOU. TO ABS-CBN YOU WILL CLOSE FOR TWO YEARS IN THIS MONTH TENTATIVE SCHEDULE. BUT BY JANUARY 2015, REALLY APPROVED BY DADDY. IM BACK...IT IS NEAR SEVEN, DADDY PHILIPPINE TIME Are you rested, people? Thanks to those who copy pasted my photos and also my posts to some. You can share me now and spread me. TO SHARONE HAKMAN You are my 8th level cousin. Although your dad is just our cooks, your real mother is the empress CZARINA in books, sometimes who eloped with a baron ROTHESAY of London. She is a french woman, my historian who was then with a child already to a baron who is my uncle PIERCE BROSNANS cousin only. BETTINA,. please do not call my cousins poor. SHARONE is a duke today. He will be the real duke ROTHESAY. How are you, cousin friend playmate since five years old? Historians say, that you are my real first kiss at real age of seven. Do you remember us? I cannot but we are still in books and soon in internet. I thought, you promised me twins for our future babies. ha ha ha KATHERINE or duchess THERESA PHILIPPINES, I WANT YOU TO READ NOW I allow everybody to read now, even kids, NOY AQUINO. DADDY AND BARACK Copy all including my photos and print as is in a separate or new FB account with community page for LIKES and pay my advertize. Japan, you can help spread me, too. I WANT TO BE AROUND THE WORLD WITHIN 24 HOURS NOW. No TV yet but no trending yet but you can share me , too as just a community help to me. Thank you. PHILIPPINES Dont cry. I will not yet leave. I will come back every month to Naga. L-RAY VILLAFUERTE My houses must be ready by DECEMBER 19. My adopted parents are ready to transfer. I talk to them already. WE ARE CLEAR. Thanks ex-governor, my friend in Bicol - only . I am tired. Just wait. You can sleep now LOS ANGELES and WASHINGTON but not SEATTLE. OK? Will just rest my butt from pressure. My womb is heavy now. ARLENE is fine MON NEVER ABORT MY COUSIN. NUR MISUARI and ARLENE are related. They are both Japanese. And both royal blood. JUST TAKE CARE, ARLENE AND MONSOUR She is really poor. It was GENG BONOT who took your money supposed for her and she cashed never but just tore coz two million dollars U.S. with funds was named to an ARLENE IGURA. Just gift her thousand. I will give her millions or billions. NOT YOU, OK? COUSIN MONSOUR or CHEN Are you inlove with her now? She has no kids but was just operated for appendectomy, OK. In MAKATI MED in AYALA First class rooms. My bank paid. She has insurance before in FAR EAST BANK as a teller but really salary only coz she shy from taking salary of a bank officer level lowest. She will be my bank President soon. OK? Tell her to live in Japan or Manila both, with you now. YOU CAN MARRY HER NOW EVEN JUST RITUAL. I ALLOW. OK? I love you, too ARLENE my cousin in 9th level with proof. You are the second queen after me, ARLENE. or BULINA in screen jokes. I will post now but will just rest for an hour max. MONSOUR, I forgive your attempt to kill us before. I am liking you still as brother in Shaolin KEN not CHEN. It is spelled KEN for KENJI. THE FIRST MURDER I witnessed the first murder to my family. It was my grandmother, who was white and was blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks like your PARIS HILTON and she was just 42 years old in truth. She was looking at my drawing when a japanese man take me and strangled my grandmother. Your killer is not Mao Tze Tung but it was just my grandpa they said coz I was confused. I later, identify the killer as Marcos, Ferdinand by his teeth and grin. I was then 9 years old already. Sorry BONGBONG. Your father became my uncle. My age was now 11 years old start in calling coz he thinks I am his love princess of Japan coz my hair is black and I speak fluent Japanese before. Now, I only speak english but I can review all my subjects. I just like medicine subjects now in American english books only. I do not read other books now coz I am blinding near. I cannot see sometimes now. There is a powder of lead in my both eyes done by my killers in a 2012 in just sleeping but was poisoned in eyes. I woke but it was so painful. I cannot see my killer, daddy. I heard a name calling. She was called, MON. Is it you MONSOUR DEL ROSARIO? It is a joke? And then I heard another name mentioned. It is a ING. ING is ERNA AREVALO. And I heard her say in Bicol, MAGADAN KA NA, DEMONYO. I heard MONSOUR DEL ROSARIO say WHY IS SHE SCREAMING, ERNA? ING? ING? It was only an ING for ING TEOPE or INGA or INA or YVONNE. I just cannot see but I swear I am telling truth. To post now. BARACK, FBI, Monsour is with me but just not ERNA. KATHERINE or CZARINA Boost Post Like · · Share IN JAPAN TRAVEL IN A 1960 IN NOTES I was in books travelling in a June 1960 but it is correct coz we went to around the world only. Our first travel was to America, then in Japan not yet but more European countries. I was in gowns. I was your grown up duchess in love stories in novels now. I was called duchess THERESA, too but my mom thinks I am really before a CATHERINE. I have three names. I am Princess ISABELA THERESA KATHERINE or your Queen soon. My real family name will be told in future books only. Sorry but I use JONES for awhile, Bettina Obias. You do not know us, girls. And I am now really old. My real age today will be 57. I am pregnant but I am 57 years old today. My real birthday will be in future books or to tell. Sorry, Bettina Obias. Fake. And I like to talk about my tutors. I was age eight stop when I speak all languages. I cannot remember now but I can understand only but cannot write. Anyway, my father was not with us in our tour but just a cook who is today name of FBI MICHAEL CAINE. He was our cook only from England and he is not a cousin. He is the real father of a JOHN PEDLETON, who is today using MICHAEL CAINE JR. or your SHARONE HAKMAN. He was my boyfriend not Monsour del Rosario yet. Monsour was my third boyfriend who kissed my lips only. JOHN was just a duke in books coz we try to fool you but he was my best playmate. He was only two years older than me. We first kissed witnessed by our historians, four. All alive still. One is the mother of LADY DIANA who was just fake princess only. She is your Queen Elizabeth today posing only to be my grand mother in history books but she is just my nannie. Sorry BARACK but this is my last postings today about me in introductions to Asia. After this, I will close all electricity. You will have no internet coz we will fix the computers. Brown outs maybe never but just a black out. I will post now for online readers. BARACK OBAMA, are you waiting, dear? CATHERINE. It is really spelled by a letter K not a C I WILL CONTINUE My dad is not the late Ferdinand Marcos. He was only my kidnapper. He is really the secret Mao or now the Mao Tze Tung in the internet but with a proxy man who is my cousin. This cousin is a slave of Marcos, who is a rebel soldier. He was just trying to rescue us from war. I will talk about an August 8 in calendar when Mommy came to England to just be present for my schooling. I was with a governess who was just not a royal blood but is my historian still. He is your STEVEN SPIELBERG now. My tutor. He is writing my books. Uncle, STEVEN or BARACK, my friend. How are you? And I will continue. Then in a October 8 coz the years are different now but before our professor says it was a 1959, I was going to be loved to be taken to my first vacation to Asia by all but Mommy, who is not Imelda Marcos but just my grandma, or the Queen, I called her mother. Mother, travel with me to Japan in a 1959 but in now calendar, it is same, uncle BARACK or STEVEN SPIELBERG. I was just fooling all. The calendar is correct always. It never was changed. OK? Anyway, I post now for my FBI. Dont sleep Asia. I will write my last today for I may die soon. ha ha ha CAT 2 people reached
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 17:23:39 +0000

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