TO MY INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS: AN UPDATE ON THE SITUATION IN UKRAINE. 1. WHY SHOULD YOU CARE about this? Because one of the most promising central European countries with 48-million population is just about to transform into the North Korea. 2. WHAT is going on there now? - Riot police in cooperation with gangs (!) are attacking and killing Ukrainian citizens, medics and press reporters. - The president is becoming a dictator, all judicial and law-enforcing structures are no longer independent and subordinate to the governments instructions. - The recent legislative amendments (similar to the Russian ones and adopted illegally) establish totalitarian control and restrictions on any form of civil protest and related human rights & freedoms. 3. WHY people are protesting? - While the protest reflects on the long-accumulated anger on extreme and systemic corruption of Ukrainian government, it has actually started as #Euromaydan to support the European integration of Ukraine at the EU summit in Vilnius. Ukrainian president has stolen the hopes of millions of Ukrainians when cancelled the European integration process and directed towards Russia. - Starting from today, the new anti-democratic laws dramatically reduce the rights and freedoms of Ukrainians to protest, move and express their opinions. Basically, all peaceful protestors have been declared as criminals. These laws have been illegally adopted by a minority of the parliament but nonetheless signed by the president. - Unlike 2004, this time the civic protests go much deeper and concern to the core civic and democratic values and freedoms. There is no uniform support for some particular opposition politician. 4. WHAT it means for Ukrainians? - This is the crucial moment in the modern history of Ukraine which will lead either to the establishment of dictatorship (identical to the one in North Korea or Arab countries), OR the breakthrough in the democratic, leadership and civic transformation of Ukraine and its people. - Contrary to the official propaganda, the #Maydan civic protest is based on the good will of people and has not been arranged by the politicians. Moreover, #Maydan has transformed to the form of self-organisation of people and is evolving to set its own demands to the opposition politicians. This is the pure and direct mechanism of democracy in action. 5. CAN YOU HELP? Yes. Please, care about this. If there is any chance to express this care and support to the officials of your country, please do this. Ukrainian people stand tall for their right to get rid of the Soviet past and become a part of the European community. However, they will not be able to do this without the strong international support. Any questions or concerns - please get back to me.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 21:47:55 +0000

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