TO MY TEA PARTY, LIBERTARIAN, AND CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS: Tomorrows general election is NOT about repudiating Republican RINOs or its Establishment. It is about repudiating THE DEMOCRAT REGIME. Its about repudiating Barack Obamas agenda, ObamaCare, Harry Reids leadership of the Senate, an IRS and DOJ run by leftist thugs, the prospect of a future liberal-dominated Supreme Court, the EPAs war on energy...the entire leftist Democrat apparatus. DO NOT STAY HOME and think youre casting a protest against unprincipled Republican pragmatists. The time to do THAT is during the primaries. Right now, in the general election, our goal must be to stop not pragmatists, but hard-core Alinsky/Marxist/Islamo-sympathizing LEFTISTS who run the Democratic Party. You all know that Ive been SCATHING in my denunciations of the corrupt GOP Establishment. But Tuesday is not the time -- and a general election voting booth is not the place -- to wage that battle. We can, and shall, rejoin THAT battle on Wednesday morning. But the priority now MUST be stopping the Dems annihilation of the Constitution, their enabling of the ISIS/Islamist menace, their war on free speech on campuses and airwaves and the internet, their IRS assaults on conservative/libertarian opposition, their prospective Senate confirmations of far-left judges, and the final destruction of the medical profession. Those are THE top priorities, folks. Your votes tomorrow will not be for Republicans. They will be AGAINST the most destructive, left-wing gang of thugs ever to insinuate themselves in the government. Remember: The GOP has a handful of young, exciting, principled future leaders who will eventually replace the aging RINOs. But if our country doesnt survive the current leftist Regime, their ascendancy in the Republican Party will be a moot issue. For now, we absolutely, positively have to stop the IMMEDIATE deadly threat to the Constitution and our liberties posed by the far, far left running the Democratic Party. On Tuesday, PLEASE go to the polls to repudiate the Democrat Regime. Send every last one of them packing. They are wrecking our nation, whats left of our legal system, and our economy. They MUST be stopped, at all costs. Then, on Wednesday morning, join with me as we sharpen our knives and go after the scalps of the GOP Establishment. But...first things first. Okay?
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:37:44 +0000

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