TO MY URBAN INTERNET RADIO, MOTOWNS GREATS, JACKSON FAMILY FOUNDATION, GARY ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL, SOLAR RECORDS PRES. GM friends Curtis Allen Martha Reeves Hb Barnum Siggy Jackson Tommy Redmond Hicks Virgil Roberts The J-5 sung two SONGS that nite: SHAKE IT BABY written by Reynaud D. Jones (Reynaud is located on the far left to right) and MY GIRL secretly rehearsed by guess who?. The unsung Reynaud Jones IS ALSO THE MAIN PERSON TO PASS ON HIS FAVORITE ARTISTS DANCE STEPS.....DOIN THE JAMES BROWN.....REMEMBER THERE IS REAL HISTORY FOR EVERYTHING THAT TAKES PLACE IN THIS LIFE.... PUT IT ANOTHER WAY ....EVERY THING IN LIFE HAS A TRUE ORIGIN! THE ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL TALENT SHOW....MY SONGWRITING BUSINESS PARTNER *REYNAUD D. JONES* AT THE FAR LIFT IS THE ORIGINAL CO-FOUNDER OF THE JACKSON FIVE.......HOW MANY PEOPLE KNOW THIS ONE *SUPER SPECTACULAR* UNTOLD FACT.....AND WHAT ELSE ABOUT *SUPER SPECTACULAR EVENTS* DONT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE TRUE BEGINNINGS AND THE OUTSTANDING INFO ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON , J-5, TEMPTATION, ETC., UNTOLD HISTORY UNFOLDING EVEN AS WE SPEAK! Robert J. Austin TO: My new Face book friend Rachelle Hatcher; I have the distinct distinguished honor & pleasure of being a good friend of your father, via many years in Federal Court in Los Angeles with Reynaud D. Jones, Atty. Douglas M. Grimes and Atty. Howard Manning Jr., for a terrible period of impasse among friends...the very worst type of pain & anguish for all family and friends affected included and inherited without mercy nor time out to recuperate in the high stakes high pressure results of litigation. ... The spoils of courting the copyright infringement questions of controversy while in the belly of the beast of the media driven outgrowth of a celebrity King and Pulpier trial by fire. Your father the former Mayor of the City of Gary, Indiana., the Honorable Richard Gordon Hatcher is the never to be detoured man that won the hearts and minds of a people unskilled in politics, ununified in organizational leadership, a fledging people but much lacking the cohesiveness necessary to forge bolt entry into a empty room without a floor nor door let alone a roof to end to the pain of the soon to be falling APARTS reign of defacto segregation...a villanist supremacy of race, creed, color, gender and ignorance allowing WHITES ONLY.. And most certainly not be allow US in the WHITE HOUSE...we of the sunny hue were allowed entrance and EXIT ONLY thru one door...that of the cubbyhole entry to the straw man’s house of Uncle Toms American Neo Log Cabin, where only the head scratching, jig- boo- dancing harmless neo - colonial caretaker pawn’s low level Negros ascend governist..But ONLY still were unwelcomly welcomed with no actual power of change...Only the house broken need apply for prominent, permanent realistic employment. Your father, The Honorable Mayor of the City of Gary, the former Mayor of Gary...ATT: RICHARD GORDON HATCHER. Saw the Vision from the beat of a distant Different Drum and became a leader by being THE number one follower with the help of John f.Kennedy and Family to heed and hear for his Soul People the beatings of the Drum Majors Soul People Cannon Call to Alert and. To Arms....and he being one of the very first soldiers in the Drum line who had the moxie the season and signs of the times as heeded and response to the beat of the Ziethigists powerful James Brown and Michael Jackson Soul Music sound track to life song of the fledgling unpopular Civil Rights Movement. Many people have not had the opportunity to know your father as well as I have been blessed even if you dont remember The Very First Concert at the GENESIS CENTER...A FUND RAISER FOR CITY JUDGE DOUG GRIMES AND STATE REP. CAROL MOSLEY WAS ACTUALLY HEADE UP BY TEAM GEORGE LANDER REYNAUD AND MYSELF..AS AT A CERTAIN POINT I BOOKED THE SHOWS FOR THE VISONS LOUNGE OF THE THEN NEW STEEL CITY PLAZA OF THE GORGOUS SHETATON INN LOCATED ACROSS THE SCOPE and MAGNITUDE OF VISION FIRST PROPOSED IN RENIASSANCE BY RGH OF THE DOWNTOWN GENESIS OF THE VEE JAY TO MOTOWN ENTERTAINMENT BROADWAY NEXUS OF THE MIDWEST CROSSROADS VENUE AND HOTEL NEXT TO CITY HALL. He RGH dared to attempt the impossible behemoth daunting task TO REBUILD THE CITY OF THE CENTURY GARY INDIANA BOTTOM UP TOP DOWN INCLUDING THE MOST ADVANCED WATER TREATMENT FACLITY IN THE STATE OF INDIANA TO BUILDING COMPREHENSIVE SENIOR HOUSEINGS EVEN CONVERTING THE GSRY HOTEL INTO SUCH..BUT HAVE NO DOUBT THAT He faced a tremendously daring and very dangerous vocational hazard of the trade of seeking helmsman ship of a historic steeltown known for iron clad racial isolation and iron fisted enforcement of economic and financial demoralizing of the mass citizenry populous by red lining northern racial polarization as entrenched as the Southern plantation systems waist deep boots wading in post reconstruction segregation. Yeah, Gary was for sure a cornucopia of ethnic divisions running ravenously cold and rapid and as unopposed as thee “water fountains of Selma or Birmingham, Alabama..... But he never gave up nor gave in to the mediocrity of pacifists ideals that sway back and forth between “go along to get along compromise of courage to WE SHALL OVERCOME and fear NOT of THE CERTAIN consequence of and for rocking the boat ....that so many us had become accustom to settled for before the voices Kennedys, Malcolm X, Gandhi and Martin..And your fathers voice Richard G. Hatcher “were heard at the height of shipping out of Black Nation of young boys of the best and brightest prime of aged made in the Image of the Ancient of the Ages and harping hip dope smoking grassroots white hippiesters to Viet Nam during the torrid undeclared WAR of 1960s. HE TOOK THE Oath of that Righteous CHALLENGE in his aspiring to become the first Blackman to be elected of the people by the people and for the peoples Mayor of a major metropolises metropolitan municipality in a time, when we as a people were unwanted in the halls of political power, government and high finance to assume control of our corporate self destiny. He nearly alone in a nation of unlawful ungodly uncharted clandestine organized oppositions saw the severed skewed unseeable to many vision of a new All America freedomdreamlandscape that he soon helped in becoming the lynchpin in transforming a cloud at best into the personification of the bold New Martinus March of MARTINS All American it however so painful. .In order to know where you are going you must remember with sure accuracy. .from where you have if America is to TRULY its TRUE..That someday this whole wide world SHALL OVERCOME...we shall overcome somsday...In the International Home of Tried True Freedom and Democracy found to live a life filled with our Love for all mankind and ever so consequential to the cause of World Peace found to the heart and soul of a nation state uof the great mountain that the builders rejected but now 2014 ever living invested the price of hope from great to small fully alive in...The Capstone of the hearts of the plurality of our many cut out of tired hungry huddled masses of the worlds both rich and poor and of every conceivable status and every origin and hue of the Soul peoples of the New Jerusalem of these United States of America???
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 14:07:48 +0000

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