TO: Mary SUMALINOG No: 9268 Dear Mary, Here are four - TopicsExpress


TO: Mary SUMALINOG No: 9268 Dear Mary, Here are four emails which I would like to share with you. 1. BEAUTIFUL DEATH OF THIRD PARTY MEMBER Dear Ben, Thank you for your recent email. Truly our Mama Mary weeps at the way Jesus, her Son, is treated so badly in the Blessed Eucharist. God bless you and the members and God bless the Holy Souls. My husband (Irish) was only a lukewarm Catholic. I enrolled him in FOSS, as well as many of my family members and some who are not family. Well “Paddy” had the most beautiful death last year and it took place on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and for some reason I felt such joy, and just knew Our Lady had taken him. In fact I heard her say - “thank you for looking after him for 52 years”. I know I will have him back now. I also know he is helping all the family and they all feel him very close. I didn’t really have any devotion to the Holy Souls until I joined FOSS. God bless you and all the members for the dedication and for the blessings we receive by taking care of the Holy Souls. From Patricia IRELAND 2. A VISIT FROM A HOLY SOUL Hi Ben! Good morning from Nigeria & good afternoon in Australia [you know you guys are 9 hrs ahead of us]. I just woke up from a dream. In the dream, I went to visit someone in his house. When I entered the house, an unknown middle-aged lady entered too. She sat down and was looking at me as if she wanted help. The Spirit of God immediately told me that she was dead. I then spoke to the woman saying, “Are you a lost soul or a holy soul from purgatory?” I repeated this question thrice. I then told her “If you are a Holy Soul, I will pray for you and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for you because according to 2 Maccabees 12:46, it’s a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead.” The lady then told me that she was a Holy Soul from purgatory and that she needed help. I asked her how many years she was sentenced to Purgatory, and she said about 300 years. I then said to her, “I will pray for you & offer a Holy Mass for you and a day after that you, will be released by God.” She was so happy. She then got up and left the house. The friend I went to visit, who wasn’t a Catholic, was so perplexed that he asked me, “so there is a purgatory?” I answered him saying, “Yes, there is and whether you believe it or not, you and I may go there, upon our death, if we don’t take time in serving God.” I then awoke. From John in Nigeria 3. ANOTHER VISIT – THIS TIME FROM A PRIEST Dear Ben, I just thought I should share this email with you. This is the second time I’m getting a visit, though in my dream, by a Holy Soul [the first was an unknown woman whom I told you about in an email a few months ago]. This time around, it was a male, a recently deceased priest. This priest was once my parish priest and we were course mates during our training in the military academy. We were very close when we served together in a military cantonment where he was the parish priest and I was his parishioner. We were later posted out to different cantonments and as such, parted ways. He recently died few weeks ago and upon the reception of the news, I was saddened and immediately enrolled him as a 3P deceased member of FOSS. On the 16th of this month [16 Oct 2013], I dreamt as I was driving on a dual carriage road separated by a drainage channel [gutter], the late priest (Rev Fr X) was standing on the opposite lane. He saw & greeted me as I drove by. I engaged the reverse gear, drove back and stopped when I got to him. I then told him that I was sorry for his death and that his soul should rest in perfect peace. He said “Amen.” Ben, I was surprised that I knew he was dead even though I was dreaming. I then went on to tell him that I did register him as a member of the Friends of the Suffering Souls. What astonished me was that before I could finish pronouncing the phrase “Member of…” he cut in and completed it by saying “Friends of the Suffering Souls.” I am very sure that he did not know about the existence of FOSS when he was living. He thanked me fervently for that. He equally told me that a certain Catholic Church by the name Sts. Peter & Paul, is always praying for him too. I must confess that I do not know this church as he did not tell me where it is located. I then promised him that his soul would soon be released by God from purgatory and he said “Amen.” This I said with such a great hope, faith and certainty as if God Himself gave me such an assurance. From John in Nigeria 4. MIRACLE AT NGOME Dear Ben, Thank you for sharing with us the miraculous happenings in our lives. I was actually fascinated by the Ngome one as I have experienced one myself. In Swaziland we usually celebrate in a special way the Feast of our Mother Mary every New Year. It was on 1st January 2010 that this happened to us. A busload of pilgrims from Swaziland travelled to Ngome. Mary asked us to come to Ngome every year on the 1st January to celebrate the Feast with her. As we came out of the dining room after 6.00pm there was the picture of the Divine Mercy in the sky, so clear it was just fantastic. We stood there transfixed but so excited to see this miracle with our own eyes. We asked the ladies who cook our dinner if this has ever happened and they said no it was their first time also. Other pilgrims related their own sighting of Our Lady, but this one I experienced it myself. From Thandiwe , Swaziland WARNING FROM HEAVEN - ST MICHAEL IN TEARS - HERE Kind regards Ben Forshaw FOSS knocknovena
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 02:35:39 +0000

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