TO: My Fellow Veterans and our Servicemen/wome FROM: Bobby - TopicsExpress


TO: My Fellow Veterans and our Servicemen/wome FROM: Bobby Tillman SUBJECT: The 2014 and 2016 Elections DATE: 14 Oct 2014 As a fifteen year Army Veteran who was in the Vietnam and Desert Storm wars, I know that you know as much as I know that our nation has went down hill since January 2009 when Barack Hussein Obama took over our Oval office with his Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) heading both Congress and the Senate. I am sure that you also know that since then, this presidency has been criminally, the worse presidency in our U.S. history. Their (Obama and the DSP) agendas are to destroy our Constitutional Republic; taking away our freedoms and our democracy and to replace it with Islamic Sharia and a Socialist/Communist rule, making our United States of America the largest most powerful Islamist/Socialist nation on earth. During the first year of his first term, Obama and his DSP Congress and Senate increased our national debt from $10 trillion dollars to over $17 Trillion with additional national debt ceiling increases every year there after without any signs of balancing our U.S. Budget. Then they pushed through the largest tax to the working poor and middle-class in American history known as ObamaCare titled The Affordable Care Act which has caused an economic crisis. At the beginning of his second term, ObamaCare was enacted and he also required a Payroll Tax increase as well as taxing the top 2% of Americans much higher than other nations. Through ObamaCare and taxing the Top 2% Obama and the DSP continues to cripple America and bring its future to its knees. With the highest Unemployment since the Great Depression over a period of six years and forcing the 29 hour Part-time work week, this presidency and its DSP is fiscally irresponsible and inept as leadership of a nation. Not to mention their attacks on our First, Second, fourth and fifth Amendment Rights, the Benghazi Affair, the illegal gun running of the Department of Justices Eric Holder to the Mexican Drug cartel (Fast and Furious) and to the so-called Syrian Rebels (Al-Qaeda and Hamas) through Benghazi, the Illegal search and seizure of ALL Americans telecommunication through telephone tapping and records seizure, tapping into our Emails, internet usage and social networking ... and the IRS Cover-up ... It keeps going on and on ... IF Richard Nixon was forced to resign just on Watergate alone and Bill Clinton on his affair, one may ask after all of the treasonous ACTS against Our United States, its Constitution and laws; the American people and their rights, our way of life and that of our Allies, then WHY IS OBAMA STILL IN OFFICE ... WHY IS THE LIKES OF HARRY REID and NANCY PELOSI STILL IN POLITICS ... And WHY IS THE DSP STILL IN CHARGE OF OUR SENATE ??? And after all this, that is not to mention what Obama and the DSP has done against our U.S. Armed Forces, our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines and to our Veterans. I call upon you, my fellow veterans and to our Armed Forces Service members to VOTE in the 2014 and 2016 elections ... But, more than just voting, VOTE RESPONSIBLY ... VOTE FOR: 1. Our United States of America 2. Our U.S. Constitution and laws 3. The American People, Our Servisemen/women and Veterans 4. Our American Way of Life 5. Our Allies 6. A Strong Armed Forces 7. Securing our borders Vote Against Islam/Sharia in America and Against Socialism in America ... America and the American people DOES NOT need Islam, Sharia nor Socialism in Our United States of America ... To our fine Democratic Americans ... IF by now you havent been told or know, the Democratic Party is NO LONGER the party you once were familiar with ... The Democratic Party is now the largest Socialist/Communist Party in America and its major agenda is to destroy our free democracy and our Constitutional Republic replacing it with a Socialist form of government ... KNOW THE FACTS ... RESEARCH their agendas since 2006 to date; then you will know that what I am saying is truth.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:27:26 +0000

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