TO P.A. Eaton in Nash Texas. Regarding the Texarkana USA PetSafe - TopicsExpress


TO P.A. Eaton in Nash Texas. Regarding the Texarkana USA PetSafe Dog Parks Grants. A grant is not tax payer monies. One must live in Texarkana USA to pay taxes in Texarkana USA. A cat or donkey park next? With grants, anything is possible, JTR Taxing situation TO THE EDITOR: Several months ago, or perhaps a year, our college was so broke they were going to have to cut some classes, could not afford them or the staff to teach them, going to cut employees plus lessen the remaining staff salaries, up the tuitions, etc. Citizens were put to a vote to be taxed to help them survive, the column for or against was put on the back of the ballot so the ones that did not see it to mark yea or nay would automatically be a yes vote. So guess what, the yeas got it. Do not get me wrong, there is not one thing wrong with education as long as it is the proper education with honest proper teachers and staff which from recent notices was not the case from all the newspapers. Is there now, with a recent announcement of there being such a big surplus and they have not even got our tax money yet so look how much bigger the pay for them will be. I would not mind if all the tax dollars would go for protecting the children, sheltering them from storms, but no, the monies only help the staff. Look at all the money that has poured in for a dog park that will only cause the dog population to grow, dog fights, dog bites, people fights, lawsuits, and of course more tax dollars for up keeps, and insurance, and guess who will pay for it. All these monies would have really built good safe remedies for students and perhaps safe shelters for us. Now it is going to sound like I am contradicting myself on not minding paying taxes. The point is I had rather my tax dollars pay for shelters and protecting, not higher salaries, but being 80 years of age, having no children, no family in the state of Texas going to any schools, I do not feel like we should have to pay taxes for schools let alone colleges. I feel we and others like us should be exempt, but I understand the school boards have to approve this and put it into a bill or a vote. So all of you out there like us that feel this way lets try to do something about this situation. Go to the school boards. Cause next time we will be paying for a cat park, then a donkey park and then and then and another then. Disabled are exempted, how may of the 80-year-olds and older can go back to work to make ends meet and how may would hire us? P.A. Eaton Nash, Texas Published: 08/20/2013
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:03:47 +0000

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