TO POSITION YOURSELF IN CHRIST IS NEITHER A TASK NOR STRUGGLE BUT A MINDSET: In John 5:17-19, Jesus revealed to us,the awareness of Divinity in us as sons of God; the beauty of the TRINITY! That,we function from the standpoint of REST, only when we realized that even as we work 100%, its God working through us 100%. In this,whatever we face becomes so light before us cos,we no longer see us facing it but Christ in us facing every situation! This also comport us to live justly as we freely acknowledge Christ,living His life through us all. No wonder,the statement of Paul in Philippians 3:9-10, was a continous tense; BEING found in Him (seeing yourself in Christ at all time),not having my own Righteousness (fleshly nature) which is by the law but, the righteousness of God (Divine Nature), which is by believing in Him in us,by the virtue of His finished work. Beloved,this is a position,where Grace had exposed us to the truth,which is our identity in Christ. let me give a life instance; I refunded my bus fair to a bus conductor last night who hurriedly collected money from others but from my wife ans I. I told my wife,this was not because that my conscience should not condemn me but, that I see how Christ would address such situation since He was in it and that settles it; living my heart full of joy as I enjoy the presence of Divinity in all and sees all in Christ. I wouldnt feel so proud or blessings in disguise,taking Christ money either way,cos I see Christ even in the bus conductor! Beloved,this is our lives as new creation: for in Him,we live,walk and have all our beings in Him - Acts 17:28! Note, this was not just for Christians but to people who knew not the God they serve. Beloved, Christ lives in all and all in Christ! The only difference between Believers and unbelievers, is awareness and its our calling as Ambassadors for Christ and Ministers of Reconcilliation to bring Gods people to this light and remember, not imputing their trespasses against them,for he had made no one judge over another - 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. Shalom!!!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:46:14 +0000

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