TO PREPARE, OR NOT, THAT IS THE QUESTION Once the geese hit the - TopicsExpress


TO PREPARE, OR NOT, THAT IS THE QUESTION Once the geese hit the fan, those who have hard supplies to endure emergency/shortage/chaos situations will fare better than those who have cash in hand because the existing currency will be made worthless overnight. Its already worthless in reality. Those who have clean, sanitary drinking water will drink. Those who have food that doesnt require cooking or refrigeration will eat. Those who have toilet paper and sanitary supplies will thrive better than those without the same, and so on down the list. Those with survival skills will fare better than those without; those who enjoy camping and simple meals will not mind as much as those who prefer fine dining with service. But the day the CEO writes an executive order to eliminate hard currency is the day banks will stop accepting it and when banks no longer accept it merchants will no longer accept it either. The merchants will still be merchants; they wont become banks or loan officers and they wont begin offering their own competitive currencies or debt systems, which means they will only accept the digital money the bank will give them credit on deposit for. The change will be overnight (or I suspect, literally over a 3-day weekend) and chaos will ensue. I would do everything in my power to avoid having to leave the house until the dust settles. This is the reason the PREPARE sign appeared in giant fire red letters at Super Bowl half-time show while children were on-stage performing. The reason they have children on stage is to get the attention of children and parents who have young children. So, what was the message they were wanting to deliver to those people? PREPARE. Why? Whether it is now, or another day shouldnt matter. The decoded message from that website still applies: PREPARE. Will your neighbors be prepared? Or will they look to you for help? If they look to you for help, what will your response be? These are valid questions, too. And why was this message encoded in a language that only 1 in a thousand would decipher as meaningful and take the initiative to translate to English to be read? I have some ideas but will hold them to myself for now. But Id suggest others start thinking about the answers to questions such as these. And, maybe it means nothing. Its a possibility. But the half time show wasnt done by accident, nor was it done by an amateur. It was part of a world class worldwide-viewed entertainment production. Amazingly, it seems hardly any were paying attention. Why not? Id be looking for an answer to that question, too. But, thats just me.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 00:42:16 +0000

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