TO RAISE THE DEMAND TO INTRODUCE DEENE SYLLABUS ALONG WITH THE EXISTING SUBJECTS IN THE ALL MUSLIM STATE OWNED EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS WORLDWIDE IN THE MUSLIM COUNTRIES . Dear Muslim and Muslima friends, Assalamu Alaikoom wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakathuhum. We the muslims of the world are passing a worst Anti-Deene environment everywhere in the muslim countries. In my opinion principal cause is seen to me that Arabic language learning and Islamic study along with complete deene syllabus are not introduced in the state educational establishments of the muslim countries along with the man made worldly subjects compulsory for the muslim students from primary education to University education . As a result muslim students coming out from the muslim state universities are found well educated in worldly subjects but they bear very poor Deene knowledge though it was compulsory to remain as a muslim before leaving this earth. There are another private education system in the muslim countries that is called Madrasha education system Where Islamic deene syllabus is taught from primary to higher class equivalent to Master degree. Students coming from this Madrasha are well educated in Arabic Quranic language and they understand the Divine Book Al-Quran and Al- Hadith better than the muslim students of the state establishment but they carry poor knowledge in worldly subjects. These two types of educated muslims community are the main problems of the muslim world. Muslim students coming from state education establishments are trying to establish the worldly man made administrative system and the muslims coming from the Madrasha are trying to establish the DEENE administrative system as the prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam taught, trained and implemented in person, family neighbors, society, culture, business state in a word in all sectors of human worldly life . As they Madrasha students know and studied DEEN as a complete code of Human worldly life passing constitution selected by the creator of the human being and the muslims are instructed to establish deen in every sectors of human life as like asshown by our our beloved prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam established in 23 years of his prophets life . We the all face book friends must come forward as a DEENE Dayee to try to solve this great problem of our muslim world raising a demand to our Rulers and intellectuals to introduce Quranic syllabus compulsory for the muslim students along with the man made worldly subjects in the all muslim states owned education establishments from primary to university . I hope this will help us to minimize our problems to live in peace on earth . Hope my Deene friends will patiently read my status and will translate it in your state language / local language and spread this to every muslim of your state . Deene education is the only door to enter the Islamic life . Thank you all . Allahu Akbar Allahu Hafejun
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:14:39 +0000

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