TO SUM UP ABOUT EUGENICS AND THE DEPOPULATION AGENDA: It is true that governments INVENTED HIV/AIDS AS WELL AS VACCINES in order to aid in in this agenda... PART TWO: Written out by hand, I would like to share my findings, horrified by what I was reading recently, and please forgive me for the typing errors, but I need to get this out NOW, as just this morning, I saw posts on eugenics, chemtrails and the depopulation agenda... PLEASE try not to argue with this, just read and digest it... THIS IS TRUTH. This is part TWO of several I will be posting... Excerpts from: KILLING US SOFTLY ~ The Causes and Consequences Of The Global Depopulation Policy ~ by Kevin Mugur Galalae METHODS ~ IN THE ABSENCE OF CHOICE ~ SOCIAL ENGINEERING ~ HIV / AIDS: If the depopulation lobby could not control the number of people born into the world, then they would increase the number of people leaving this world. In other words, if they could not tackle the population problem at the front end of life by controlling fertility, they would and did tackle it at the back end of life by increasing morbidity and mortality. This was deemed necessary for Africa, which resisted any and all attempts at population control. The HIV/AIDS virus was specifically CREATED for the Sub-Sahara African population by a cooperative effort between the Soviet and American scientists in the employ of their nations military-industrial establishments. It was designed to do maximum damage by undermining the immune system and to have an affinity for people of color. It gradually achieved its intended goal once it was introduced into the bloodstreams of countless innocents in Africa, Brazil and Haiti by the WHO (World Health Organization through its smallpox immunization program that ended in 1980. Infection is as high as 30% in some African nations (5% continent-wide) and 70% of all AIDS deaths occur in Africa. More than one million people die in Africa from AIDS annually and nearly two million new infections are registered every year. ~ VACCINES: Bioengineered flu strains, such as N1H1, the swine flu and bird flu viruses, have been used to manufacture mass fear of pandemics and condition the public to the practice of mandatory vaccines or government-mandated vaccinations programs. This will allow the authorities to target specific populations when and if the eugenicists decide that a new deadly strain must be introduced into an unyielding population, as it was done in Africa, Haiti and Brazil until 1980. Excerpts from: KILLING US SOFTLY ~ The Causes and Consequences Of The Global Depopulation Policy ~ by Kevin Mugur Galalae METHODS ~ IN THE ABSENCE OF CHOICE ~ SOCIAL ENGINEERING
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:19:50 +0000

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