TO THE CITIZENS OF FERGUSON, MISSOURI: Im with you in this time - TopicsExpress


TO THE CITIZENS OF FERGUSON, MISSOURI: Im with you in this time of injustice, in this time of frustration and despair. But I am NOT with you when you pillage, burn and loot. You must stop this behavior immediately for it does nothing but incite more violence and justify the presence of more law enforcement at a time when you need less. Your frustrations and your disappointment in the judicial system have been seen and your concerns have been heard. You have the support of many because we all recognize injustice and we will support your cause to get justice, but not in the face of this irrational behavior. Please stop the violence, rioting and looting now and stop being what your oppressors paint you to be. Be better than them. Hold your heads high for Michael Brown and his family and remember that the great Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr. opposed violence because violence only begets more violence. Do not give the Ferguson police anymore excuses to shoot you down. Justice will come if you pursue it with sense and reason. PLEASE STOP THE VIOLENCE NOW!!! reuters/article/2014/11/25/us-usa-missouri-shooting-idUSKCN0J80PR20141125
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 23:40:51 +0000

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