TO THE TRUTH SEEKING CHRISTIANS! As Muslims, we have always - TopicsExpress


TO THE TRUTH SEEKING CHRISTIANS! As Muslims, we have always made it clear in so many words that – WE MUSLIMS BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS ONE OF THE MIGHTIEST MESSENGERS OF GOD! THAT HE WAS THE CHRIST! THAT HE WAS BORN MIRACULOUSLY -WITHOUT ANY MALE INTERVENTION (which you and modern-day Christians do not believe today) because Mathew 1:1 says …”Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” What message is your Bible sending? That he {Jesus} is a Bastard??? hmmm WE BELIEVE THAT HE GAVE LIFE TO THE DEAD BY GODS PERMISSION.... WE BELIEVE THAT HE HEALED THOSE BORN BLIND AND THE LEPERS BY GODS PERMISSION.. [Acts 2:22].... IN FACT NO MUSLIM IS A MUSLIM IF HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN JESUS! Rugged Man and the like; get it into your head that; We love Jesus! We respect him! We follow him! We revere him! But WE DO NOT WORSHIP HIM! BECAUSE, HE WAS THE MESSENGER OF GOD, AND WAS NOT GOD! Rugged Man-REPENT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! YOU MAY DIE SOON! SOON!! AND SOON!!! Now,the headache for you as you warm up for tomorrow Worship of Sun Before you collect 10% Tithe tomorrow, ask yourself and your co. Pastors who mandate you to collect ten percent tithe in the Church every Sundays??? What would be your punishment if you die in this act of stealing??? Now I would only urge you and your folks to follow the Commandments of your god {Jesus} as contain in: Matthew 23:23 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye tithe mint………” CURSE! Hmmm… Another Curse for whoever pay Tithe………………… Open to the Book of Luke 11:42: But woe unto you Pharisees! for ye tithe mint……………” So if you or any other pastor is fortunate to read this; hence forth, stop the tithe collection! And if any Church goer, Or Sheep, or Choir Master and member is reading this, please don’t pay tithe for it’s a ticklish way of stealing……… It is a sure way to perishing! Rugged Soulwinner--- Show me a single verse where Jesus Command or instruct you to Collect Ten percent {10%} Tithe??? Just flash back and count the number of Tithes you have been collecting in your Church... You are under severe Curse of your Lord and Saviour!!! Little wonder you act like a Lunatic! You ran away from meeting Lukman Bashir Lucas Samson in #Lagos after all the boasting here! I Eneye Ahmad Jamiu Emma will also be in Lagos, Nigeria tomorrow.... Drop your full names and address here and see what comes next! But if you fail, I will make life difficult for you till I finally get you one on one! IN SHAA ALLAH!!! I rest my case as I await you to read the post and answer the questions that follows therein! Failure to do that,, HELL FIRE AWAITS YOU! No Islam No Paradise! Indeed, you Pastors Or you Christians at large have done too much damages to the World! Islam is the Solution for Humanity!!! Islam is here! You can not hide! No controversy about that! Proudly Islam! We Love all Prophets of Islam- Jesus inclusive... Indeed, Jesus is a Muslim.......... To the Ummah, I LOVE YOU ALL...... ASALAAM ALEAKUM WARAMOTULLAH WABARAKATUH....
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:27:41 +0000

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