TO THOSE WHO WANTS TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL PLS. READ THIS.. IT WILL HELP US TO EMPOWER OUR DREAMS THAKS A LOT. NeoKuya Ede Padua. This article that i post is derived by the book Entitled:SECRET OF SUCCES AND PROSPERY BY: RODOLFO C. TORRES.. this is the continuation of the article first secret of success/make an early decision this time the title of this article is/first secret of success DREAM BIG. I HOPE YOU LEARN GUYS THANKS LETS GET STARTED... THE FIRST SECRET OF SUCCESS / CONTINUATION DREAM BIG By having a purpose now, you can focus your powers and enegies. Youll cut years of aimless living. Youll speed up your way to success. A hunter will waste his shots if he doesnt aim before he? So should you not waste your time and energies without a target, a purpose. Decide on a goal you want more than anything else, something that you really enjoy and be happy for when you have achieved it. if you think you want to become a doctor do you want,do you want to become a doctor more than anything else? if you think you want to write articles,poem, or short, stories, do you want to write more than anything else? if you think you want a car, do you want a car more than anything else? In deciding on what you become let your talent and intrest will guide you. what do you in want to do? in what you are most interested. in what do you find great ease and enjoyment? what do you enjoy doing? So ley your talent or interest be your guide.find out waht your most enjoy doing and spend your time and effort in that line or direction. let nobody side track you or keep you away from it. if you keep on and use the other secrets secrets in the course, youll succeed in it-- and be happy. find the work that gives you happiness-and stay there! when you set your purpose,however, dont set it too low. raise your sight. the reason why many achieve liitle in life is that they are afraid to dream of BIGGER DREAMS... one, for instances, wants to have plenty of money to meet his daily needs; but he aims at only a small paying job, and becomes contented with the thin envelope he hands to his wife on pay day. Some want a car,but they save for price of a tricycle. Some want a house with concrete walls, but they dream of a nipa hut. they fail to realize that if they really want them and work for them, they can have them. Lives of GREAT MEN show that they were a GREAT DREAMERS! oftentimes, their dream were so big that others said IMPOSSIBLE! When Thomas Edison said that he would invent the electric lamp, didnt the experts say impossible When Henry Ford was working on his horseless cariage didnt some sneer and pooh at him? Didnt the relatives of marconi think he was losing his mind and have him examined by a doctor? Didnt Mark Twains friend laughed at him when he said he would write a book? When Westinghouse approached train executives, didnt they doubt at him? and didnt one train executive bodily threw him out? WHY DO WE HAVE RADIO?TELEVISION? AIRPLANES? SKY SCRAPERS? REFRIGERATOR? GREAT BUILDINGS? LONG BRIDGES? AND MANY MODERN CONVENIENCES? its Because some had the courage to dream of this things! All these things first began in someones mind.some one had to dream of these things first.. AMERICAN DREAM HIGH-and it landed on the moon take a tip from that.. if you want to gain greater success, dare to dream of BIGGER DREAMS! are you afraid to dream because of what others may say? because others amy laugh at you? why, will you die if others would laugh at you.. just as long as your dreams is practical and reasonable, dont care even if others shout your face a hundred times, IMPOSSIBLE LET them shake themselves laughing let them laugh till they kiss their kness.let them laugh their stomach aches. just shrug your shoulders NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE UNTIL YOU TRY you can- if you want it hard enough and dare to keep on dreaming and asking for it. lifes record shows that the most of those who became millionaires were once poor. some didnt even have college degrees.. the study made by RUSSELL CONWELL educator and lecturer, shows that out of 4,043 multi-millionaires, only 69 reached high school. the rest didnt even have a high school education. why did they succeed in spite of their little schooling? its because they had to courage to dream of BIGGER DREAMS!!! what do you want to accomplish to do? put it down on paper, and keep it before you all the time.decide now and start your way to success, early and lasting success... REACH YOUR DREAMS,.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 01:22:33 +0000

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