TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It is sardonic, it is - TopicsExpress


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It is sardonic, it is linguistic ignorance and failure to understand the character of syntax that worries them [EDF and there subterfuge crew]!!! infact it is a pitiable dismal piscina, it is regrettably lugubrious that in an institution that is so blessed with intellectuals that are nurtured and cultured, because of mismanagement, because of high heartlessness, because of consciousless consciouslessne ss and because of purposeless purposelessness that created the leadership sector in FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OFFA. our great citadel of learning. A vast majority of federal polytechnic offa student still continue to facilitate between the exuberant enthusiasm and irrational irritability, when a microscopic flu that have piloted the affairs of the STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT living in dismantled luxuries and propriety solicity. Very often we are reminded that we practise democracy but many in the play betray a military cast of mind. That was what came to mind when i remember what happened on Friday 14th of march 2014 about the school of engineering election in federal polytechnic offa, claiming and glaring to every fedpoffite that the Dreamers EDF and there subterfuges fellow are plotting secession. To make the story even juicy, the school of engineering enemies EDF aim and objective is to rig the election but unfortunately for them things went wrong, that was what enhance the mediocrity in them and they started throwing stone, bottle and all sort of things at there opponent PEF and also vandalizing school of engineering properties. This sort of mendacious filth was predictable. PEF enemies are desperate. Desperation thrives on lies, ineptitude and blackmail. They grew up in Goebels school of propaganda, which states that if you want to lie, try a big one and keep repeating it until it becomes common place and even boring. EDF, SUG shows the entire school of engineering the mental overload of their foolishness, it is only a psychologically disturbed set of people who can come up with such casuistry. SUG of all people, i cover it for you. Though the rule of law in fedpoffa was adhere to in subversion, but justice shall prevail. We need the SUG, DSA unit to do its work and not concort tales like Sherlock Holmes the giant rat of sumatra, a rat that was supposed to take over a ship. The rat was only in the imagination. I predict more of the fictional rats from the feverish depositories of lies. They are not only foolish, they are scared. They see the work the engineer of PEFs progress is doing in the school of engineering, they Just lost their flamboyance and power. They are fretting and therefore desperate.... Better NAPESSITE is a must. I fear no man. Proudly PEF by: Potential LONGMAN
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:14:39 +0000

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