TO YOU MELLISSA Short Story by John Kachere I sit here on this - TopicsExpress


TO YOU MELLISSA Short Story by John Kachere I sit here on this desk with only one thought. You; Mellissa truthfully speaking I believe my mental capacity is slowly taking the shape of incapacitation. Ever since I set foot into this class, I have not been able for a single minute to even take my eyes off you. It is like my very mind is woven in the graces of your beauty such that I have spectacularly failed to concentrate in any lecture that we have attended. I have to confess that my all my attempts to talk to you have proven futile. I have displayed a truly remarkable show of cowardice. But who can blame me Mellissa? A man who wears kaunjika from Limbe with his most prized possession being a Nokia 1200 and comes from the financially dilapidated village of Usisya in Nkhatabay does not wake up one morning and decides to propose love to a girl of your caliber. I believe such a situation would produce macabre effects. For starters Mellissa you wear the most expensive perfume in town, the shoes that don your feet are imported from Paris and the type of dresses you wear are only those that befit royalty. In simple language you smell splendor. Sometimes I marvel at the way the creator made you; Rich in both materials and beauty. Such cases are a rarity in this world. However, on this day of our lord, I have decided to put pen to paper to express how I have been feeling ever since my pauper self saw you. It is true that I am beaten with unabated poverty. As a matter of fact I am always at pains when it comes to lunch time. My lips are always dry as a result of hunger. The smell of sweat that I produce is as a result of my desperate attempts to lengthen the life of my nima soap. You might have seen the condition of my only shoe. Well. It was a gift from my grandfather as a token of appreciation for my making it into university of Malawi; now I am afraid that it might turn into a radio as a result of numerous wires meant to patch it. This shirt I am wearing at the moment is one of the three shirts that my entire life owns; you might mistake it for brown but believe me it used to be blue at a certain point. It is your smile that holds me at ransom. I fail to imagine if at all angels would beat that kind of smile. Mellissa, I want you to know that each time you smile I forget of my bedbug infested bedroom that tortures me at night. I imagine you in my arms, caressing your hair while whispering sweet somethings into your ears. I imagine myself looking into your lazy eyes while telling you what a beauty you are and what a blessing you are to my life. Mellissa I want to bring it to your attention that as I sit here on this desk, there is nothing that matters in this life save for your fragrance; the type that wipes away my sorrows of hunger and myriads of other tribulations. I may not know how vast the waters of the ocean are but what I am sure is that my affection for you Lady Mellissa is twice as vast. There is something about you Mellissa that has made my eyes immune to other girls. It is like they have disappeared from existence in as far as my world is concerned. I wonder if at all someday I will be lucky enough to even hold those tender hands that you possess. As time is slowly stretching these days, I wonder if I have taken too long to pour out my confession. I have been at pains to imagine if all you have ever thought about me for a split second. Each time I look your way you are busy typing on your Samsung Tablet perhaps scrolling down pages of whatsapp, a luxurious social network that is but a fairytale to me. It is very hard to know if you have ever noticed my presence in class. After all I doubt if there is any sign post about me save for the rickety state of my pockets. Mellissa I have realized that hiding will only speed up my mental incapacitation that has come as a result of avalanches of thoughts about you. It is my hope that this letter will get to you before someone picks it from your desk. I know that you might take it as an offence, as a beggar cannot disturb the peace of a Queen, for such will only be a recipe for his destruction. But I want you to know that as it stands now, I am more than willing to stare even in the eyes of death and confess my love for you. I know such a situation might evoke headlines. Imagine me in my kaunjika clothes with you dressed up exquisitely in designer clothes walking hand in hand to the cafeteria. I have also seen it fit that I start assembling funds so that one of these days I should take you to kips restraunt and see for myself if it is true that one would spend as much as K1500 for a single meal, I want to compare the prices there and those of Nyamazunje’s restraunt in my village. Forgive me if this letter sounds like a winding sermon Mellissa. But the truth of the matter is, even my hand trembles at the very thought of writing to you. I fear the pen will slip from my hand and I will fail to finish off this letter, no amount of well written words will be able to express how much I feel about you. If cupid indeed exists as myth would have it, then I pray he shoots you with the same arrow he pierced my heart with because despite and above every other single thing Mellissa, I am dying to have you in my arms and i believe I am not simply having mental masturbation to stand firm in my hope.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:13:57 +0000

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