TO: YOUNG LAWYERS RE:WHAT IS THE ROLE OF LAWYERS:TO MAKE SURE THE LAW PLAYS TO THE INTEREST OF THE ELITE,OR TO SEE THE POOR MAJORITY SEE THEIR SHARE OF JUSTICE?!! It is common that young lawyers always think of ways to make sure the law works free from corruption and personal interpretations of the elite which see the public bleed to poverty,at least in their academic mind ,but joining the profession on the ground betrays their dreams of playing a perfect tool of justice. it dawns that ,lawyers set their priority to be the digit their income counts and who pays more than the moral role of serving justice. Most of the lawyers represent the big corporations and big companies, people of wealth in their endeavour to change laws for the market interests of the rich in the parliamentary sessions of law.As if they were elected to represent the wealthy against the 90 percent poor masses.From pricing to exploiting projects,the public stands unprotected.That, at least keeps the trend of unemployment for middle and low class,lack of purchasing power in the daily home utilities. Where did we go wrong???Remember right is the child of law and if rights are delivered to everyone who has deserves,justice will prevail.But what if the law is misinterpreted or the law is not giving enough rights ,or it favours a certain group against others. one question before you ,my dear young lawyers:how can you help set things right by your profession???! i have a poem below,which i wrote seeing the marathon the poor runs to a dead end with no one helping that even the law stands with the exploiters and never giving chances to develop from poverty line to survival point.and i hope you will take some of these issues into your mind to help get you the picture of society your profession will be dealing with. FROM NEW ALBUM:IMMORTAL DEBT MARATHON OF THE POOR On his shoulders, the burdens, Of responsibility , his life hardens,4 And to the call, so awakens, To the needs, equal to dozens, The poor struggles, to burry, His daily needs, that worry, And toils hard, to feed the table,8 But the stress, grows unbearable, At home, with a family to feed, Dawn breaks, with news of need,16 And another day bites, to weed, The ground and, toil for the seed, And the hollowness, of poverty, Motivates him, inventing property,20 That makes the rich, a legend, And all work, upon the poor depend, From the land, his sweat toils, In the industry, the aluminum he foils,24 On the market, the carpet he coils, And his efforts, the rich spoils, As the tycoon invents, the system, Of politics, played to his interests, 28 A machinery to pick pocket, the system, of hard work ,that feeds the dozens, As lawyers serve, and interpret the law, To the interests, of the rich fellow,32 On ways to steal, and evade taxes, So bites the poor, pain of the axes, His own marathon, the poor runs On his journey, to alter the status,36 The system turns, his road rough, The resources , never add to enough, Incentives of change, never available, The way to a loan ,is to risk the claws,40 Of interests, that turn debts immortal, Limited is the choice ,of the poor fellows, The password that claims, job creation The tool of an employer, that opens wider,44 The broken heart, of the dedicated hustler, To the ultimate goal, of unjust exploitation,…….
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:01:25 +0000

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